Puppets on a String

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Nico was nowhere. Or, at least, if he was somewhere, he couldn't tell. It was nothing but darkness. He wasn't even sure what he was standing on. He couldn't see himself; he wasn't even sure he was really there. But he was sure about one thing, he wasn't alone.

"Who's there," he demanded, failing to keep the slight tremor from his voice. Nico was used to darkness, but this was something new. "Hello?"

"Well little demigod," something whispered. The noise wasn't loud, but it came from everywhere. The only noise in an infinite abyss.

"Who are you?" The son of Hades asked.

"Now, now," the voice chided. "You march into my home, and you don't know who I am."

It wasn't a question. He was being toyed with and it pissed Nico off. "I've been here before," he insisted.

"Yes, indeed you have," it rasped. "It's been a long time since anyone has been foolish enough to pay me a visit."

"Who are you?" Nico was almost yelling now. The voice. The darkness. The deafening silence when no one was speaking. It was like a place designed to unnerve him.

"You know me."

"Do I?" the demigod challenged.

"Oh, yes. You see, I have been in control since the beginning," The darkness hissed.

A cold dread filtered through Nico. He felt like the answer should be obvious.

"Yes," it said. "I was the one who trapped you in your new world."

Nico was almost afraid of the answer, "Why?"

A harsh laugh rang out. "Why does anyone do anything?" it challenged. After a pause, the voice answered its own question, "Because I was bored."

"Well, toy with someone else!" the son of Hades practically growled.

"Oh, but you're so interesting. Make your stay there entertaining and perhaps I'll let you go back to the realm you're from."

"We're not here to entertain you! Let us go home."

The voice gave a truly amused laugh. "Oh little boy. Your story, your stay in this new world, your journey as a demigod: It's all just entrainment."

Nico felt helpless. His only way home was an enemy he couldn't see or feel. "Who are you, really?"


When he actually thought of it, there was really only one answer that seemed likely. "Chaos," he said. "You're the endless abyss."

"Obviously! Who did you think I was, Aphrodite?"

"Your just as cruel and dramatic," he deadpanned, his fear waning some.

"Enough talk!" Chaos whisper-shouted. "You wish to go home, yes?"


"Then shake things up! Make it interesting and dramatic! Perhaps dupe some royalty or steal a country."

Nico grimaced slightly. "Why?"

"Child, all I do is watch and alter. This is the extent of my entertainment." Chaos seemed very non-threatening at this point, "You could all thrive this realm, so do it, and I may send you back home."

"May?" Nico asked. "I don't like may."

"Don't test me, little one."

The presence he'd felt before was gone now. Alone, Nico concentrated and slipped back through the darkness.

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