A Pull

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Hazel might not seem so much like herself in this chapter. She is such a strong and cool character, and I feel like people tend to overlook her sometimes.

She might seem a little brash, but I've never really written her before, so maybe just give me a bit to work it out.

They drove most of the way. Their destination was Connecticut. The drive seemed impossibly long, and they had to take two vehicles. Reyna drove one van, while Percy drove the other.

Nico had talked to Reyna and Percy while conspiring with Leo. There was something they needed to do. Pulling up at McDonalds, Nico brought Hazel inside and ordered her a 10-piece McNugget. The others got what they wanted and they gathered at the tables outside.

By the end of their food detour Hazel had found a new favorite food, and Nico had a Happy Meal for the road.

With everyone full, they loaded back up. Nico fell asleep on Will's shoulder while his boyfriend hummed softly. Jason pulled out the Polaroid camera he had taken to carrying around, and snapped a picture. He had decided to start keeping a photo album and was slowly compiling pictures.

With the few stops they made, the drive took about two and a half hours. Leo was glad to be out of the vehicle and had nearly thrown up from carsickness. Annabeth felt nauseous because she was on her period, but that was a sore subject currently. Finally, when everyone was ready, they started their hike.

Reyna and Thalia felt right at home on the trail, so they led the group. It wasn't long before a pit of unease formed in everyone's stomach. The unease slowly turned to different sensation. Like they were being pulled, drawn toward something. It was uncomfortably like the feeling of being in the presence of Tartarus.

When they finally came to the Rift, it was terrifying. It looked like reality had shattered, leaving a hole of eternal dark abyss. It was about the size, if not just bigger than, a person.

"The prophecy made it sound like we have to go through to close it," Jason said, his voice shaking.

Percy and Annabeth were holding on to each other. Their eyes had taken on a faraway look It was so much like looking into Nyx's palace, the pull of Tartarus, the fear of being hunted. Nico had his head buried into Will's shoulder.

"I think I'd rather just go home," Leo said, sounding completely serious for once.

"Me too," Frank responded.

"Who wants to go first," Thalia spoke up.

"I'll do it," a small voice called.

Everyone looked at Nico in shock. He looked terrified but determined.

"If anyone should go, it should be me," he said.

His boyfriend looked at him, "Absolutely not. If anyone should go-"

"This is cute and all, but I'll do it."

"As long as it's not me."

"I'll go, just-"

"Oh I swear to gods!" Hazel cried as she marched through, completely done with everything at this point.

"Hazel!" Came several yells. Frank rushed in after her, then Nico, then Will.

"Ah screw it!" Reyna rushed in after them and so did Jason. Thalia went next and after her, Annabeth and Percy. Leo grimaced before following through. He desperately wished they had actually made a plan. Piper went last, hoping to all the gods that they wouldn't die.

The night was quiet. Not really quiet, but on the roofs, the wind blowing slightly with the glow of the moon, Ketterdam almost seemed that way.

Inej was climbing over the streets of Ketterdam. She arrived back in the city from another voyage yesterday, and she missed her city. Ketterdam was a dirty disgusting place that had broken her down and built her back up. It was full of pollution and corruption, but it was hers.

She had just come from her window ledge at the Crow Club. She'd been away for just over a month and had missed Kaz and the rest of the crew. But mostly Kaz.

They had been making progress. Very, very slow progress.

She had visited Jesper and Wylan and had stayed at the Van Eck estate the last night. She had also gone out with Nina and Matthias for breakfast that morning.

As she leapt over buildings and drew nearer to an older, more unused section of second harbor, she was filled with a sense in unease.

She found herself climbing down from the roof she was on, to the empty street below. The Wraith found herself drawn deeper in to the area of disrepair. She turned a corner to what should've been a dead end.

Instead it looked like where the world ended.

As if the stone wall at the end of the alley was broken, a horrific sort of shattered darkness looked like it was creeping into the streets of Ketterdam.

The void seemed to go on forever. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew she needed to tell Kaz. With a begging prayer to her Saints, she raced back to the Crow Club.

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