Magical Romance (Koseki Bijou)

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Next is the adorable magical rock lady herself. Expect nothing but wholesome(-ish) moments here. Also, this and the next one will not be as long as the first, but I hope you still enjoy these.


It had been some time since the three of you discovered the Advent Mansion. Originally on the run and nowhere to go, but now you had a safe home. Sure, the ones who live in it aren't quite exactly human, but that wasn't much of a concern once you got to know them.

As the brains of the trio, you had always strive to be intelligent and have an open-minded perspective, perhaps that was why you got along well with the Advent girls already. Despite the twin demon dogs that gave you a surprise greeting when they visited one day.

On the subject of the girls themselves, they all had their quirks, but one of them was appearing on your mind a few times more than the others. Bijou. You wondered what it was that made you think of her a lot. Was it her cuteness? Her appearance? The way she talks about being a rock? Well, no matter the reason, she was someone you felt like you had to know more about.

That opportunity came one day when you and the other two were in town, not far from the mansion. It seemed that no one living in the town was aware of you three, which was a big relief. Then again, this was a town that wasn't well connected with the rest of the nation, or any of the world wide news that were going on. Perhaps there was more to it, but that wasn't an issue.

"Hey, dude, why are you spacing out like that?" Brad asked.

"Me? Oh, I was just remembering about suitable calibrations." You replied. "Since Bijou wouldn't stop talking about needing a PC upgrade for her room."

The other guy sighed, that was Oliver, the ring-leader of the trio and it had been some time since the seven minutes game, where he and Nerissa went on their first date, and they've been happy with the relationship ever since.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked. "Sounds to me like you're covering for something."

"What would I gain from that?" You responded. "You know I'm always to the point. Besides, I don't see how doing a favor for a girl can be anything else but a friendly gesture."

"Oh, I'm not saying it's a bad thing. Its just that we've been partners in a falsely-accused crime for a while now. There's nothing wrong with admitting that you have a crush on someone"

"Yeah, spit it out. Come on, bro." Brad said.

You sighed. "Alright...but only if we find an electronics store, we have to go there anyway."

"Right, thanks to the generous funds we got from them, still can't believe we're carrying 100k each with these cards." Oliver muttered.

"We'd be wise to spend in moderation, so we don't draw attention to ourselves." You advised. "As the man with the brain, I'll keep track of the amounts."

Brad groaned. "Man, you can be stiff at the worst of times."

"Come on, let's find a store and get spending...within reason." Oliver said.

Exploring through the town, you soon found an electronics store, it was massive for sure. So there would be no issue on the stuff you were looking for. While Oliver looked at mini fridges and portable cookers and Brad looked at the video games section, you were in the PC section.

"Okay, what was it that Bijou wanted again?" You asked. "Oh right, a high performance laptop so she can do outdoor projects. And for me, a professional-level built PC. And it seems I'm spoiled for choice here."

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