Chapter 4 - Cupid's Consensus

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I walked in the house, Estrella on the couch with Alanzo. Estrella got up and engulfed me in a big hug, kissing my head and saying hello.

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"Baby, you did it!" Estrella said with an extra squeeze. I smiled.

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"Estrella, I need.. love advice," I explained. She gasped happily as she dragged me to her room. Fengari was reading a magazine and was snacking on chips.

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"Fengi, code heart!" Estrella said while getting in the closet. Fengari nodded with a big smile. She left the snacks and gave my head a kiss before leaving us alone. Estrella put on her LEDs and turned out the light as I took off my boots and sat on the bed. She prepared a dip for us as she put love songs in the back and sat across from me. I indulged in the cheese dip as she put her phone on silent. Kinda extreme!

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"Now, you have me for as long as this takes. Go ahead and describe who we're working with. Name?" she began. So professional!

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"Altan Akgün. He's quiet, introverted, tired, cute, and has a lot of muscle for someone our age," I explained. Estrella smiled at me. I love her smile.

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"Hmm.. do you have a picture?" she asked. I nodded as I went to my phone and looked through my photos. Don't ask why I had his year book photo in my camera roll. I showed her the picture, making her fix her glasses and inspect him throughly.

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"Why do you have a picture of his yearbook photo?" she asked. Great.

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"It's the one time I can see him smile," I said dreamily as I stared at it deeply. He had pearly white teeth and very gentle lips. My dream.

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"Hahah! Well, you said he's introverted? An introvert and extrovert couple can go two ways; you two could be a perfect match where he would be your way of calm like Cynthia is with Bulan, or he could get annoyed of you having as much energy as you do and would end in heartbreak. Did he show you any signs of not being interested?" she explained. Oh no.

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"Well.. I offered him my number but he refused. I also offered my headphone and refused," I replied. She made a worrying face. No smile, just awkwardness and cringing.

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"I don't know, Starla. Is there anything else? What about things that hint to him liking you?" Estrella asked.

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"He.. we.." I stammered. Is there anything? He never talks to me unless we are fully alone at our table. Even then he's quiet. We just have painting in common and he shows more signs of liking someone else. She put a hand on my shoulder.

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"Starla baby, love takes time. You can find your match as soon as middle school or as late as 60,000. It's all a matter of time. As of right now, it's not gonna happen. There's too many cons to pros. I'm sorry," she said. I thought about the words. It's not gonna happen. Starla doesn't cry. Not now, not ever. I forced a smile.

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"You're right! I need to focus more on the project anyways! I can't wait for mom and dad to get home so we can start!" I stimmed. Estrella kissed my head as I ate more dip. I grabbed my boots as I opened the door and went up to my room. Cielo met me at the door while rubbing on me. Luckily, he had a bath recently and knows to control his farts. I picked him up and kissed his striped head.

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"Oh, Cielo. I wish Altan would give me a hint," I said as I plopped on the bed. He curled on my stomach as I got my phone and started scrolling on Parsec. That's when I got a knock.

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"Come in!" I said. When the door opened, Aelia was in the doorway. Cielo loves Aelia, so he ran up to her and rubbed on her. She smiled while picking him up and sitting next to me.

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"Hey, are you hungry? I heard of a new Korean place with good reviews and I was wanting to try it with you!" Aelia suggested as Cielo licked her hands. I smiled. Something to look forward to!

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"Yes, please! I'm starving!" I said as Cielo licked us one last time before going to his bed. We both went to her saucer as I got a text from Dawn.

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"Hey bestie! I have news for you."

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