chapter 1

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Issei was making his way to the old school building. He was excited to continue club activities with the rest of the ORC members and continue his life as a devil.

He had defeated Raiser and saved Rias from her marriage. A few devils may hate him but he didn't care. Nothing could make him happier than to see that huge smile on his master's face.

He had saved the woman who had given him a second chance at life. And...just maybe, she would see him as more of a man. They did kiss after all.

Issei: Afternoon Buchou!

Issei called as he walked into the clubroom. He held his hand high as he waved to everyone with a bright smile.

Rias: Issei, perfect timing.

Rias spoke from behind her desk. She wasn't as happy as the brunette. In fact, none of the other ORC members were as happy as the boy. They were, actually, very quiet and distant. It almost seemed like they got the worst news possible.

It was just like how they were when Raiser first arrived.

Could he be back with a vengeance possibly?

"What's wrong everyone?" Issei asked with concern.

No one said a word. They just had these looks of sorrow. Except for Rias. Her eyes had become sharp and cold. Something he saw only in Koneko, or Sona-kaichou.

"Issei, you've saved me from my marriage and for that I'm very thankful." Rias spoke with true sincerity. She was truly sincere saying that. Nothing could have made her happier than to be free of that womanizing asshole.

The brunette, on the other hand, felt wary of his master. He saw her words as something worse. The undertone and hidden meaning he could sense coming despite her joyous tone and positive words.

"However, during the Rating Game your powers failed me and the only way you beat Raiser was through holy items and the sacrifice of your arm," the redhead explained, her eyes narrowing half an inch.

Issei felt a chill run up his spine from the look on her face. It was quite scary, seeing as the only other person who gave him such a look was...Raynare.

The moment she called him worthless trash and tried to end his life once more in the abandoned church. That look of disappointment and lack of pity. That look was one he knew something bad was right behind.

He froze from her eyes, feeling the trauma of that gaze burning to the back of his skull. And to see it in Rias's eyes. His savior's eyes.

It was almost mind breaking.

Rias: I'm going to give it to you straight, Issei. I can't rely on you using these tactics time and time again. Situations like this may arise once more and stronger opponents shall come before you, - she stated, thinning her lips with a firm gaze - How long will it be before you sacrifice everything to that Sacred Gear? Or face an opponent that holy items won't work on? Will you try to grow stronger or will you continue to be a pervert and peep with your friends?

Issei took a shaky step forward.

Issei: Buchou, I promise I'll get much stronger! I told you, I'd always protect you!

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