chapter 2

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Issei knocked the last kinks out of his neck, rubbing his shoulders softly. He couldn't believe Sairaorg, putting him through all that training and then having him wake up extra early for another training session. It was a miracle he was walking right now as the king decided to train him personally. And he didn't pull any punches in their spar.

Issei: Damn, I really hope this pays off later on.

Issei muttered, feeling the bruises forming across his chest and arms. He took a good amount of blows from his master.

Ddraig: [It already has,] -  a deep voice spoke up.

Issei's eyes widened as he looked around, trying to find the source of the voice. He then saw a green flash from his left peripheral and turned to see the Boosted Gear glowing.

Issei: I-I'm sorry, but was that you?

Issei asked the guantlet, half expecting an answer.

Ddraig: [I'm a little upset that you've forgotten my voice,] - the voice replied, the green gem glowing in response to it.

Issei: Ah, I'm sorry. It's just, the last time we talked was before the duel against Raiser when I gave you my arm. Ddraig, if I remember.

Issei replied, scratching the back of his head.

Ddraig: [Yes, and it has been some time. Almost two weeks if I recall. I haven't bothered to talk with you seeing as you've been very busy.]

Issei: I guess you could say that. I've been dealing with a lot lately.

Issei muttered before giving a hollow laugh. It was devoid of the emotions such an action should hold.

Ddraig: [I still remember what happened to you, child. And, to be honest, I detest that Gremory girl for what she did,] - he replied, signs of anger in it's tone.

Issei: Hey, it's kinda my fault. I was too weak, like she said. But I'm training now, to prove her wrong! - he replied, trying to convince himself more than his partner.

Ddraig: [Hmm, if that's the excuse you want to give for her. I, personally, think you have nothing to prove to her. You saved her and that's how she repays you? I'd hate to see what she does to her enemies... Oh wait, she loses to them and proceeds to almost marry them,] - he growled out.

Issei: She had no choice in the matter, - he replied quickly.

Ddraig: [She could have been stronger! She could have defended herself! Not have some boy who has barely been a devil fight for her!] - he shouted in anger, his voice rising with each sentence - [Stop defending her and her mistakes! She's not your master, so you shouldn't care!]

The pawn flinched from the dragon's tone. He was obviously displeased with the way Issei was acting. Which was understandable, considering the boy was defending someone who had cut off all affiliations with him.

Issei: I suppose you're right... - He muttered sadly.

Ddraig: [You're damn right I'm right! You're the holder of the Boosted Gear. A Longinus. Hold your head up high because you're a valuable asset wherever you go,] - he said with absolute confidence -  [It doesn't matter how late you start or how far you fall. I know you'll stand back up and keep trying!]

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