Bondita's first blush

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Bondita gave Anirudh a handmade ointment. Anirudh accepts it.

Bondita then went back to her class.

Anirudh is sitting in Alchemy Lab. The lab where they discover new magics. He is just staring at that ointment.

Anirudh thinks: Royal Princess being treated as a shit in this school. I really don't know what Drona is doing. Princess is just out of knowledge about her birth. And more suspicious thing is why Drona wants me to train her in particular.

Suddenly he hears door knocking sound. It's Ruvi and Bondita.

Anirudh: Yeah come in!

They entered in. Anirudh looks at Bondita.

Ruvi: Sensei... I...

Anirudh: Don't drag, come straight to the point.

Ruvi: Rude as always...! Hmphh, anyways, I am here to ask you sorry.

Anirudh: For what?

Ruvi: For all the things that I did with you. I was so disrespectful. But after hearing to Bondita, I got respect on you. She told me that you are strong and powerful. And today your class was really understandable. I was totally wrong in judging you. I am sorry, Sensei.

Anirudh: Let me think whether to accept your sorry or to punish you for whatever you did.

Ruvi: What??!

Anirudh: And about what this Princess said, just forget it. I am not powerful, it was just on fluke.

Bondita & Ruvi: Princess??!

Bondita's cheek turned red. Because it's her first time that someone is calling her like that.

Anirudh: She saved me from death using healing magic and also she looks cute and beautiful. So she is Princess to my eyes.

Bondita's cheeks turned even more red.

Ruvi thinks: Is he flirting or just complimenting her?

Anirudh: If your purpose on visiting me is done then you shall leave the place.

They two left the place. Anirudh lies on the bench and starts to sleep.

Ruvi: Did he really called you cute? That was straight and fast. I have never seen a teacher like him.

Bondita is just shy.

Ruvi: Bondita, I am speaking to you only.

Bondita: Huh... Hn.. hn Ruvi, I heard you.

Ruvi nods no and they walk past.

After few hours.

In principal room.

Anirudh entered in without knocking or asking permission.

Drona: Hey, you...! Don't you know to knock or ask permission before you enter someone's room?

Anirudh: What happened with Mui Barrier? Why it is not working?

Drona looks on.

Anirudh: If it was really working then those witches wouldn't have entered in. It is a barrier that gas potential to stop people with evil spirit entering in. Now tell me, why was it off on those day of attacks?

Drona: Well... I was the one who switched off it.

Anirudh: What the ---

Drona: Mind your words. I did it just to check something and my guesses were right.

Anirudh looks on.

Drona: I knew witches and wizards from Polygon agency is in search of royal blood but I was not sure about on whose blood they are relied. At first I thought it was queen's but technically queen don't have royal blood. Then in that case it's only of Bondita's. But I was not sure about this because no one knows Bondita except me, Queen and The King. So I planned something and it worked.

Anirudh: So you basically placed Princess in that situation for your stupid doubts hn?

Drona: It's just for her protection. Now that we are clear about that agency we shall be more careful with them. But now too, only one thing is hanging on in my mind.

Anirudh: Whatever, stop using her for your stupid experiments. She is naive and more than that she is The Princess of this Kingdom. I am sad that she doesn't knows anything about her life. And it's because of you only.

Drona: Stop blaming me. I was the one who saved her. And I am still protecting her. I didn't said anything to her because I don't want her to hate her own family and our Kingdom which tried to kill her just after a minute of her birth. She is still young to understand everything. That's why.

Anirudh stares.

Drona: It's time for your next class. Just leave.

Anirudh gave a breath and walked out. Drona looks on.

In class.

Everyone are chit chatting. Anirudh enters in and they all became silent.

He went to board and started teaching. When air blows his Hair just waves accordingly. And his shirt is tight in such a way when he lifts his hand to write on the board his biceps are visible. This itself makes some Girls to listen to him.

Bondita is still in shy. Because it's her first time to get complimented of her beauty from a man. Anirudh noticed that she is out of class.

Anirudh: Hey Princess...!

Everyone jerked even more than Bondita.

Anirudh: Listen to the class.

He said casually and then again started teaching. But other girls are just envy of that. Even they started whispering about it. Boys too.

Ruvi: Again?! What just he thinks in his mind? In mid of the class he is calling you like that again.

Bondita: I ... I really don't know.

Anirudh: Silence!! Now, tomorrow is your holiday. So enjoy it. This is it for today. Revise it well. Day after tomorrow we will have practical class on Dark Arts.

Vishnu: But tomorrow is not even Saturday and not any festival too.

Anirudh: Yeah I know. I am just lazy to teach. That's why. You too take rest, I will also take rest. Okay, later.

He said and walked out of the class. Every girls surrounded Bondita.

Girl 1: Why is he calling you like that?

Girl 2: Yeah, it really broke my heart.

Girl 3: Bondita, your are just lucky to be noticed by him. I would have just melted like a butter if he had called me like that.

Girl 4: Yeah, You are his princess now.

Bondita: I... I am... Give me a break.

She just walks out of the class due to shyness. Ruvi followed her.

They two are walking to their hostel now.

On the way, they saw Anirudh on the cafeteria. He didn't noticed them, they just walked past.

What will happen next?

Just stay tuned to know about it!❤️

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