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As the university routine resumed, Y/N couldn't help but observe the evident strain on Jungkook's shoulders. His usual vibrant energy seemed subdued, burdened by the weight of responsibilities. Sensing his overwhelming workload, Y/N, concerned and empathetic, mustered the courage to approach him. Walking up to Jungkook, she noticed the fatigue in his eyes and the furrow on his brow. With genuine care in her voice, she approached him

Y/N: Jungkook, you appear quite strained lately. Is everything on track?

Jungkook: looking visibly stressed Balancing university commitments and preparing for the launch of my own company has been quite demanding

Y/N: Taking over a business at our age is commendable.If you ever find yourself in need of assistance

Jungkook: (nodding) Thanks, Y/N. It's a lot to handle, financial intricacies, planning the transition, logistics ,and of course, keeping up with university commitments.

Y/N: Hmm. Why don't you set up a structured plan? You can designate specific times for business related tasks and allocate focused periods for university work. It might help streamline things.

Jungkook: (intrigued) That sounds like a good approach. How would we go about it? Do you mind helping me with that?

Y/N: Sure, Let's start with your business. What are the immediate priorities? We can break them down into actionable steps and then integrate them into your schedule.

Jungkook: Well, I need to finalize the financial projections, negotiate contracts, and establish a solid marketing strategy.

Y/N: Great. Let's create a timeline for each task. Meanwhile, for your university workload, we can organize study sessions and set realistic deadlines for assignments. That way, we maintain a balance without compromising either.

Jungkook: (impressed)You've got this all planned out, huh?

Y/N: I've always believed in strategic planning. It keeps things manageable. Plus, with teamwork, it becomes more achievable.

Jungkook: (smiling) I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier. Thank you, Y/N. Your logical approach is exactly what I needed.

Y/N: Teamwork makes the dream work, right? We'll navigate through this together, Jungkook.

In the subsequent conversation, Y/N takes a strategic approach to help Jungkook manage his dual responsibilities.They delve into the specifics of the business takeover, outline actionable steps, and integrate a structured plan into Jungkook's schedule. Y/N's intelligent approach and teamwork mindset contribute to a more organized and manageable path for Jungkook.

As the semester concluded, Y/N, Jungkook, and Somi decided to head back to Korea for vacation, looking forward to reuniting with their families

On a quiet Friday night, you were immersed in a book when your phone suddenly interrupted the tranquility with its insistent ringing. Glancing away from the pages, you stood up and was taken aback to see Jungkook's name flashing on the caller ID. Since his announcement as the CEO of his father's company, your conversations had become infrequent, and you regretted missing the ceremony while visiting your grandparents in Busan. Swiftly answering the call, curiosity mingled with surprise as you wondered what might prompt Jungkook to reach out after this period of relative silence

𝙊𝙣 𝘾𝙖𝙡𝙡📞:

Jungkook: Hey, Y/N. It's Jungkook. I was wondering if you could drop by the office later today. There's something important I'd like to discuss with you.

Y/N: Oh, hey Jungkook. Sure, I can swing by. Is everything okay?

Jungkook: Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. I just think it's better to talk in person. Can you make it around 5 PM?

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