Married Man?

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Trina POV

I was awakened by Rahiem's phone ringing. I then noticed I was in bed next to him I do not remember getting in bed but oh well. I looked at the time and it was 3:23 am , his phone then stopped. I began to lay back down and cuddle with Rah but his phone went off again. I looked at it and it said "Jae" I then took it and answered it.

Me- Hello?

Jae- Yo! Bro where you at?

Me- This isn't Rahiem

Jae- Oh shit , my fault ma but where he at

Me- He's alseep

Jae- He sleep??? That nigga supposed to be here , wake him up

Me- No Jae , he needs to rest , he's had a rough day

Jae- You know you making yo man miss out on a lot of money

Me- I don't care he just gonna have to miss out

Jae- I'd hate to be you when he wakes up , but ight ma bye

Me- Bye

I hung up and turned his phone off , he needs to stop this lifestyle he's living because its not doing him any good.


I woke up to my head laying on Rah's chest and he was playing in my hair.

Rahiem- Good morning

Me- Good morning baby , Jae called you last night

He then jumped up and got out of bed putting on his clothes.

Rahiem- Shit! Man what he say

Me- He just said you were supposed to be somewhere and I'm making you miss out on a lot of money because I wouldn't wake you up

Rahiem- Damnit! Katrina why you didn't wake me up!

Me- Did you forget about what happened yesterday

Rahiem- That shit don't matter , that was money that I needed and you fucked it up

Me- Well I'm sorry for caring about your well being!!

Rahiem- Aye you can chill out with all that yelling shit ain't you supposed to be taking it easy for that baby

Me- Oh shut up , ungrateful asshole

I said mumbling the last part.

Rahiem- Man whatever I'll be back

Me- Yea that means I won't see you until 5 o'clock in the morning but whatever just leave

Rahiem- Chill with that attitude

Me- Goodbye Rahiem

I got back under the cover and laid down. He then walked over to me and kissed me but I didn't kiss back. He then gave me a crazy looked then he grabbed my breast which caused me to moan. Right then his kissed me again and added his tongue.

Rahiem- Bye baby

He then grabbed his hat, keys, and gold chain off the dresser then left and I went back to sleep.

1:30 pm

I was awakened by my phone ringing then Trey's picture popped up, and I answered.

Me- Hello?

Trey- Can you come by for a second?

Me- For what?? They're alright aren't they

Trey- Yea they straight but I just need to talk to you , just 15 minutes please?

Me- *sighs* Okay I'll be there

Trey- Okay thank you

I then hung up and got dressed. While I was looking for a pair of sandals to wear I came across a shoe box. I opened it and looked through it, there wasn't any shoes it was filled with pictures. There was pictures of Rahiem, a little girl, and a lady , I kept looking and came across some wedding photos and it had Rahiem as the groom and that same woman as the bride. I went through all of the pictures and they were of that woman, little girl, and Rahiem all together looking like a family. I then got to the bottom of the box and saw a wedding band, tears came to my eyes. Have I been sleeping with a married man???
Trey & Trina are finally gonna talk.
Is Rahiem married?

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