Crash Landing

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Up in space there was a blue planet that sat in the far ends of the universe. There the stars glimmer all around and there is nothing but quiet. Yes things were perfect...that was until they showed up. In a flash of light two ships had arrived at this part of the galaxy and both were blasting at each other. One was white with a round shape, enough to ensure those that this ship meant no harm. The other one was quite different: black with sharp ends and spiked. It was clear which side was good and which was not. One blast managed to get a good hit on the round ship and upon closer inspection it had the Autobot logo on the side of it.

"Captain Atlas! Shields are getting really low. Almost down to 15%." Yelled one of the ships crew members who was up front manning the consoles. The captain now known as Atlas spoke up.

"Focus a majority of our power on our shields. If I know anything about Decepticon's they'll hit with us everything they got." Said the captain.

Meanwhile with the other ship that was now revealed to be a Decepticon ship. The crew was mostly on the deck and managed everything. Three Decepticon's were up front on the consoles while their captain sat there in his seat and stood next to him was his second in command. One Decepticon spoke up.

"Captain Malcrom, our guns are on full charge and the Autobots shields are almost down." Said one Decepticon with one green optic.

"Keep the pressure on them. They will fall eventually." Said the captain. Soon all their guns were firing at the Autobot ship. If you were up close to those blasters I assure you that you might get burned from the heat building up. The Autobots were down to their last leg and they knew it. That's when their captain yelled out the order.

"Gearbox, fire our mega-cannon!" The order was heard by a large green Autobot with one blue eye. He did what he was told and soon enough power was sent to the cannon that with one hit it blasted the Decepticon's ship and took out their engines. However that power was enough to make the Autobot ship itself loose power in its engines too. Almost in unison both of the ship's captains yelled out an order.


Soon both ships were heading for a crash course towards the planet's surface. Both went through the planets atmosphere. As for the cybertronians they were each heading for their stasis pods. On the Autobot ship Atlas was heading towards his when he also got a glimpse of the planets moon before he got into his pod. To those down below they saw nothing but two balls of light coming down and then the sound of a loud explosion was heard. Two in particular in a small wooden house felt the ground shake.

"What was that?" Asked a woman. Then a man's voice spoke. "Probably an earthquake. Nothing to fear over about Salem." He said.

"Alright Ozma."

Thousands of years went by. During this period both ships would be in different locations. The Autobot ship had crashed landed onto the side of a mountain near the kingdom that many come to know as Vale. As for the Decepticon's there's ended up stuck in a mountain somewhere. Both of them still in stasis.

Some grimm were strolling around the mountain area. One was sniffing around and scratching at something it found. Before long it realized that it was scratching metal. Nearby a couple of rocks were falling down from the area and hit where the grimm was scratching. This caused the ship to activate its emergency energon pulse system which ended up killing the grimm due to the energon. Inside the ship began to power up and soon the stasis pods began to open up. Atlas rubbed the top of his head before looking at his crew.

"Everyone alright?" He asked. Every other Autobot looked at him and nodded. They then went for the bridge where Gearbox got onto when of the computers. He looked at a few more before Atlas spoke up. " Status report."

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