Sitting duty

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At Beacon the the now formed RWBY and JNPR were all discussing what happened yesterday. Both were in team RWBY's dorm room and had talked about it all. Now they also remembered when the two professors had been asking each of the students about what happened because of the cameras being down. Now of course they lied as it sounds unbelievable that large talking robots had a fire fight and they also happened to help in it. Anyway they were talking about it all.

"Did you guys see their weapons?" Ruby said to them. "They were so cool!"

Now this makes everyone stare at her with different reactions. Those who knew the red hooded girl knew she was into different kinds of weapons but Yang knew she could be a real pervert for them. Then there were the ones who thought she was being stupid (mostly Weiss thought of that one) and knew that their weapons, while unique, were not their biggest concern. It was then Weiss let her thoughts be known to Ruby.

"Are you really talking about their weapons!?" She yelled. "We just got involved in a mech battle between those metal mechs and that's all you have to say about it all?"

Juan then spoke up. "She kinda has a point Ruby. I mean those guys seemed awesome then their weapons." He said before Weiss just facepalmed herself at what he just said the conversation went on with people like Pyrrha adding her thoughts agreeing at what Weiss said in a much friendlier manner while Nora was asking Ren if they have other explosive weapons. However, Blake was the only one not involved in the conversation. Now she never really got involved with most conversations but this one she wasn't involved in was because of what or rather 'who' she saw. That white, bear like mech was there and she remembered seeing him before at the dust train they tried to rob. This made it the second time and she knew for a fact that he and presumably all the others that they saw were more than 'just mechs.' Yang then looked at her and decided to ask what her matter on the situation was. Blake only said. "There's more than meets the eye here."

Weiss then realized something and she looked scared. "Guys..." She said before asking the major question. "What time is it?" That's when all of them panicked realizing that they were late for class. This was bad and worst part out of all for Ruby was that they didn't even get a chance to decorate.


The decepticons had yet again robbed another dust train. This was becoming the norm as they knew most of the trains didn't have the best defenses, well in cybertronian standards. As for the organics that were on board that was a mystery. If they weren't killed in the crash then perhaps they either died to the cons or they lived. News also spread across Remnant about these robberies. Some believed it was the white fang, others say it was known dust thief, Roman Torchwick, but there are those who claim this is an entirely new group. Hell some even pointed the finger to the Branwen tribe. However if there was one thing to know about these robberies was that who ever pulled them off have the skill and resources to steal entire carts of dust.

At the kingdom of Atlas was the well known military general, James Ironwood. He was looking through the reports that those who managed to survive the robberies had told them. They claimed that they were preformed by mechs which caught his interest as he knew Atlas's military did have a supply of them but there were no reports of said mechs being stolen as of lately. To add more to the confusion was the description of these mechs. One was that one of them had the head of a polar bear and the other that caught his interest the most was that they could change form. Not like become big to small, no, they meant they could change from large mechs to vehicles like bullheads, trucks, rhinos. This made him curious on who could have built them. As he looked through the reports one of his officers opens the door only sticking out of it.

"Uh General Ironwood, sir." He said. "Jacques Schnee is wanting to speak to you."

Ironwood was a little frustrated by this. Jacques was owner of the Schnee Dust Company and practically was all of Remnants supplier of dust. He was also for the lack of a better word: annoying to deal with. He then answered his officer. "Tell him I'll be right there."

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