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"Taerae hyung!" The said guy's head perked up to meet eyes with a teenager.

Blonde hair, tall figure, black clothes and a warm smile on his face as he made a little run to reach where his hyung stood.

Taerae didn't move an inch, surprised that the high-schooler was there, running towards him with so much excitement, so much to say as it looked like.

He stopped after standing a few steps away from his hyung. His chest heaved up and down as he was not accustomed with running. Yet, he ran because he simply couldn't wait to see his hyung. A wide smile decorated his face, showing his gums.

"How do you like it?" He pointed towards his head, voice sounding so lively. Taerae was still in a daze, mouth slightly hung open. The younger waved his hands in front of Taerae's face and giggled heartily.

"When did you do it, Ricky?" Taerae was mesmerized. Ricky, who was quite literally obsessed with dyeing his hair, stood in front of Taerae with his freshly dyed platinum blonde hair. He was used to seeing the younger in pinkish hair shades. But platinum blonde? It looked perfect on him, enhancing his beautiful facial features just right.

"Last night. Mum helped me." Ricky answered.

Ah yes. Mrs. Shen was one talented and supportive woman. Always understood her son and prioritized his emotions and needs. No wonder that Ricky grew up to be such a kind and warm soul.

"It looks amazing." Ricky smiled even harder at the compliment.

"But how come you are here? And what about school?" Taerae quickly asked before hearing any other words from the blonde, who shrugged at the question. "Bunked off. There wasn't any interesting class after the chemistry quiz anyway." Taerae could never understand how this young boy was so casual after risking getting caught and out of everything, coming to see him.

"And I also wanted to see you." Ricky's voice was filled with aegyo. He showed two korean hearts to his hyung in a silly manner. The child in him truly bloomed at that moment and Taerae could only smile, forgetting to lecture the kid about the importance of school. He kept that for later, no problem.

Taerae lived in the same neighbourhood his entire life. He practically grew up there. Everyone was fond of him. He was the neighbourhood's pride, excelling in academics and singing so beautifully.

A new family moved in the neighbourhood when Taerae was nineteen. He heard they were from China originally, lived in the states for a few years before moving in Korea. A little surprising how they didn't settle in Seoul but he did not dig any deeper.

A week since the new family became residents of that area, Taerae received a small offer from them. That was to tutor their son in exchange of money. No other subjects, just Korean.

He agreed and on one fine Sunday night, Taerae met Ricky. A seventeen year old Chinese male. He had stylish clothes even though he was in his house and not to mention the light pink hair. The first thought that came to Taerae's mind was 'woah, he can be an idol if he wants'.

Ricky didn't want that. That shocked the elder. Someone like Ricky, good-looking and young— he at best had to train for two or three years. Ricky still denied. Taerae understood and nodded his head to dismiss the topic.

They were a little awkward for the first few weeks. They exchanged very short sentences on the first day. It progressed to gossiping in between their study sessions, hanging out, visiting each other without any particular reason and basically being with each other whenever they could.

Ricky would insert a few English words in his speech, the words he was unaware of in Korean. And Taerae would laugh and teach him the words.

That was the build up of the Ricky-Taerae duo as everyone called them. Inseparable and like brothers. And their relationship only kept getting better and more genuine. Their relationship was full of love and understanding, something not common in every pair of friends.

Taerae was grateful to find someone like Ricky, an indispensable part of his life.

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