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flying lee namra


The man holding back a groan as it collided with his face the corner slicing his cheek. "Did you think coming to korea would hide you from me?" Gun-woo glared at his brother.

Jun-woo shook his head rapidly. "i came to see Nam-ra, she-" he was cut off. "That bitch Lee nam-ra?" Gun-woo growled slamming his hands on the wooden desk.

"Yes Lee nam-ra can be of use to us" junwoo sputtered out. "How?" Gun-woo leaned against the cool wooden desk. "She is in line for chairwoman in Sakura Cosmetics and fashion. She's also dating Ryu Si-oh of Dogo. also a multi million dollar company".

Gun-woo smirked "you're still close with her aren't you?" he asked. Jun-woo was torn. Was he really about to target his sister? his baby sister? Would this keep her safe? Would it spare his life?

"no we aren't" Jun-woo mumbled. he was gonna get her as far away as he could.

Jun-woo's hockey stick wacked several hockey pucks into the goal. "Oppa! what are you doing here?" a familiar voice called.

Jun-woo turned to see Nam-ra. "Hey, just blowing steam. Where is Si-oh and jennie?" he asked. "Si-oh had a work thing and Jennie said she had a friend in korea" Nam-ra stepped onto the ice.

She was clad in lined leggings, a grey long sleeve t-shirt and her white ice skates. Jun-woo stepped to watch her glide along the ice. In america their favorite thing to do was go out on the ice together.

She taught Jun-woo to skate and he eventually got up the courage and tried out for the ice hockey team which he did amazing. Her body moved quickly around the ice in a multitude of spins and jumps he couldn't fathom doing.

Si-oh stepped through the door with Tetseg. His lips parted as he watched his girlfriend. He had came to beg her to come to work with him. "Wow" Tetseg mumbled beside him.

Tetseg clapped loudly after Nam-ra had landed an impressive trick. Nam-ra turned her head to the work duo before to jun-woo. "for a moment i was afraid the famous flying Lee Nam-ra lost her touch" Jun-woo joked. "Shut up Jun-woo" she rolled her eyes.

Nam-ra skated toward the exist. Jun-woo following close behind. "You were incredible Nam-ra" Testeg clapped excitedly. "Thank you. What are you two doing here?" Nam-ra questioned looking between the two.

"i just wanted to see you. come to work with me?" Si-oh asked. Nam-ra turned to look at jun-woo. "i'll come right now can you maybe wait in the car?" she asked. Si-oh nodded leaning down to peck her lips before leaving with his assistant in tow.

"what's going on" she asked. "What?" Jun-woo asked. She turned toward him "don't lie to me Jun-woo what's happening to you" she asked. "Nothing Nam-ra" he sighed.

"Oppa we promised no secrets. what are you hiding from me?" she pushed. "We aren't children anymore nam-ra! Grow up" he snapped loudly.

She was taken aback. "Don't scream at me for wanting to help you". "Have you ever thought that i don't need you as much as you need me? i'm not your frail little project boy anymore". he stood up getting in her face.

Nam-ra stood her ground "You were never a project to me, You were and still are my big brother. how could you say otherwise?" she snapped. "I was just trying to use you to replace the lack of sibling love i had" he said.

Her eyes widened as they glossed over. "Don't give me that look. We both know you pretended i was Hee-sik. You're darling brother who doesn't give a shit-" he was cut off by a slap.

"fuck you. I never want to see you again Choi Jun-woo" She yelled then stormed out of rink. Jun-woo waited until she was out of sight to crumble to his knees crying.

Nam-ra was halfway through the hallway when she leaned against the painful sobs wrecking her body. Even for knowing each other for years he had never said anything even remotely close neither had she.

Jun-woo laid against a bench taking shaky breaths. Nam-ra slid into the passenger seat. Si-oh didn't say anything about her shakey breathing and tear stained cheeks but just drove.

His large hand clasped hers on her lap. The ride was semi silent only the hum of the music Si-oh liked in the background.

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