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Dear Lee Nam-ra

Tw// bl**d, unaliving, Meantions of self unaliving


A bottle of Sonju tucked in her hand and her heels on the ground beside her. She started off at the Sky. Si-oh was working late night and she no longer had any friends. Perhaps she should have taken Jun-woo up on making new friends.

Nam-ra went to lift the bottle to her lips when she noticed its emptiness. She let out a deep sigh and stood up gathering her things. Exhaustion wiped her face. as she dragged herself toward her parked car.

The car ride was filled with the wind softly blowing as she drove to her apartment. "Good evening Ms.Lee" a child who lived in her building greeted her in the parking lot.

"Hello. what are you doing out here so late?" She asked the small girl. The girl handed her a letter. Dear Lee Nam-Ra written in familiar neat writting. "Who is this from. Read it miss" The girl bowed her head and left quickly off to her apartment.

Nam-ra's keys jangled as she unlocked her door. The cling of her keys hitting her metal bowl and her tired sighs filling the apartment. Nam-ra sat down on her plush couch and opened the letter.

To my little sister. Lee Nam-Ra

I'm sorry to do this in a letter. I'm sorry to do this at all. I want to apologize to you. I want to tell you i love you and the things i said i didn't mean. I've always sworn myself as your protector. However that wasn't the case. You protected me.

You've always been my savior Nam-ra. I haven't been the older brother you deserved and i'm sorry. I love you Nam-ra and i wish you the best in your life. Thank you for making these 12 years the best.

- Your big brother, Choi Jun-woo

Tears hit the paper smearing the ink. She pulled out her phone and dialed Jun-woo's number. "Jun-woo what is the meaning of this!" She shouted but it was at voicemail. "Don't tell me you're gonna kill your self? huh? are you? why are you speaking this way?" she yelled.

She stomped her foot like a child "i need you what the hell are you doing!" she cried as she heard the voicemail hang up.

She wasn't thinking straight. She slid on the closest thing to her: sandals and sprinted out the door. Her phone clutched in her hand and the cold wind blowing against her skin.

She ran 30 minutes to Jun-woo's apartment. "You have to let me up" she begged the security guard. "Hello Ms.Lee. Mr.Choi requested no visitors". "Please" her voice wavered and cracked. Desperation filling her eyes.

"Go on miss" he pointed toward the elevator. She thanked him profusely.

The beeping of the keypad went unnoticed by the Choi brothers. The two fighting on the floor. Gun-woo pelting his brother with his meaty fist.

"Get off of him you bastard!" Nam-ra jumped into the man's back. Her hands clawing at his face. Jun-woo scrambled to a corner as he watched nam-ra attempt to gouge out his brothers eyeballs.

"Get off of me you bitch!" Gun-woo tried to throw her off but it only made her nails sink deeper into his cheeks. He finally stumbled into a corner, the edge hitting Nam-ra's back.

He rammed her back into it once more making her let go and slump against the wall. Blood followed in her wake staining the off white wall. Jun-woo's disoriented eyes widened.

Gun-woo had a gun aimed at her. "You couldn't have minded your business. It's called a family matters you idiotic bitch" he spat. "Hey gun-woo" she whispered. He crouched down to her level.  "Last words?" he asked.

"Get fucked" She spat a glob of spit and blood into his face. He stood up wiping the blood off his face. He went to aim the gun at her when Jun-woo tackled him.

Nam-ra saw this as an opportunity and crawled into the kitchen taking a pan from the cabinet. As she crept back over the boys a shot rang out. "You've always been pathetic little brother".

Jun-woo's body laid onto the ground. Nam-ra bit back a scream. She raised the skillet and when Gun-woo rounded the corner she swung it as hard as she could. Anger and sadness and grief filled her as she took Heartless swings at the man.

She couldn't stop. Boy with the warm splatters on her cheek, dress hands. "Nam-ra" a weak voice called. she dropped the skillet having it land on the unresponsive man's stomach.

She dropped to her knees beside Jun-woo. "No no no no no no" She cried as she held him and his wound. "Nam-ra...did i do good?" he asked. "Yes Oppa. you did amazing" she gave him a sad smile. He wasn't gonna make it and she knew that.

She pulled out her phone and called 911 attempting to give him a fighting chance. "Nam-ra, i was happy to be your brother" he said. "You are an amazing brother just please don't leave me" she cried.

There wasn't a response after that. She cradled his head as she sobbed "no! wake up! please come on". Her heart shattered as the paramedics declared him dead. Covered in blood, no more tears, and a blank look in her eyes.

She fled her body tip to one side as she laid in a fetal position. The bottom of her dress clinging to her body soaked with blood. She wasn't listening to the drowned out voices. Just the memories of Her and Jun-woo filled her head.

"Jun-woo" left her mouth as a whisper.

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