Chapter 2

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3rd pov
Let's see so far Theon came and told Ned that there was a dester from the night watch.
Ned told Catelyn that he is bringing Bran.
Which Catelyn said no that he is too young but Ned brought him anyways because Winter is coming.
Which brings now to Will the dester.
A/n idk how to spell the real word ^^^^^^.
A/n over
The guard force Will's head down.
Theon hands Ned another one of his ancestors swords 🗡️. It looks similar to ice. But the handle is different. That's how the Starks tell the swords apart.
Ned takes off his gloves and hands them too Jory.
Ned walks over to Will.
What Will says about the night king deeply troubled Ned. Ned can tell Will is deathly scared. He thinks about what if the legends are true? What he quickly dismisses that thought he has a job to do.
So he does his job.
Ned: In the name of the house Baratheon, the first of his name. King of the Andals and the first Men. Lord of the seven Kingdoms. And Protecter of the Realm.
I Eddard of the house Stark, Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, sentence you to die.
Ned lifts his sword and brings it down.
Jade: You did Well Bran.
Bran is riding by his brother and cousin. Yes all the Starks know that Jade is their cousin. But they have to act like Jade is a bastard in front of others. So no one suspects anything. No one beside the Starks know that Jade is a Targaryen. They all think she is a baby that Ned and Catelyn found in the cold with a letter saying the baby was a bastard and her father was going to kill her. So the two brought her in.
Jade: I thought he did well!
Robb: Well? You could see the fear in Bran eyes?
Jade: Oh come on baby! How would you feel if it was my head or any of our brothers heads?
Robb: That will never happen J. Now on any of our watch!
Jade: Ooh I know my big bad wolf.
Jade winks at her boyfriend.
Theon fake gags.
Theon: Really do you have To flirt in front of us! Get a room!
Bran: What does get a room mean?
Theon+ Jade+ Robb: Nothing that concerns you!
The trouble making trio whisper yell.
Bran hears them. But they don't want their father/ uncle / adopted father doesn't hear what Theon said in from of Bran. Or worse he tells their mother/ aunt. All three of them will get a scolding of a life time. The Gods know how many times they have a scolding. Their mother and aunt can be scary when she wants to. Since Sansa is a mommy's girl she always snitches them out. They hate when she does that. But no matter what Sansa does they will always love her. After all family above all.

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