Chapter 5

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3rd pov
Bran is climbing down the side of the old tower.
He is about to get off the tower but his Cousin Jade pulls him off.
Jade carefully puts him on the ground and waits for a explanation on why he was climbing again.
Bran; I was.
Jade; Do you know how lucky you aren't to be alive right now! What if you fell off the tower? What would you do if your mom catches you? Or how she would feel if you die! She would be devastated.
Bran: I am sorry Jade.
He gives her his famous puppy dog eyes. Which makes her cave in and kiss his head and pick him up, and put him on her hip.
Jade: Now you have to promise me that you will never climb that tower again.
Bran; I promise. Bran didn't look down which means he was telling the truth.

A hour later the king has arrived with the queen, her children and their guards.
Bran: Is that the king?
Bran whispers to Jade.
Jade: No that's Jamie Lannister, the king slayer. He killed my grandfather. Jade whispers back as quiet as she could. So no one can hear her. Which she did a excellent Job. Bran had to strain his ears to hear what his cousin said.
The king looks at Ned and says you gotten fat.
Ned gives a look that's says what about you?
Eventually Ned laughs and the two old friends give each other a great big hug.
When Robert let's Ned go, Ned has to catch his breath. Which takes about 40 seconds.
Robert; Nine Years! Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?
Ned: Guarding the north for you, your Grace. After all Winterfell is yours.
Robert: Take me down to your crypts. Ned I want to pay my respects.

Cersei; we have been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait.
Robert just gives her a cold look and starts to walk to the crypts. Where Jades mother is resting. But Robert doesn't know that. And he will never know. Or else Robert will hire a assassin to kill her. After all in his dreams he kills Jades father. In his words he will rid the world of the Targaryen. After all Jades dad " kidnapped the love of his life." Which wasn't true on Lyana's half she loved the prince and his wife Elia.

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