Chapter 4

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3rd pov:
Ned: You will fed them yourself. And train them yourself.
Bran and Robb nod. While Jade gives her uncle a salute.
Ned: They may still die, not matter what you do.
Robb: We won't let them.
Jade: what Robb said, we'll take good care of our dire wolves.
Jade is about to get on her horse when she hears a big and loud whimper. So she goes to check it out.
She finds a sixth pup. She has Snow White fur and blood red eyes.
Theon scoffs
Theon: An albino. It'll die even faster then the other wolves.
Jade ignores the idiot.
Jade: This one is mine.

About in hour later Jades aunt sent her to give her a letter to her uncle.

Jade: I knew I find you here my dearest uncle.
Ned sees her sad face.
Ned: Tell me Jade.
Jade: I'm sorry uncle, Jon Arryn is dead, the king just sent a letter.
Ned: How?
Jade: A really bad fever took him uncle.
Ned: What about Catelyn's sister and her son?
Jade: they are fine and not sick at all uncle.
Ned looks more angry than he is grieving.
Jade: Uncle Jon used to tell you that you were like a son to him. He loved you.
Ned: I haven't seen in a long time, about nine years right?
Jade: Uncle Ned you couldn't have never knew that he was sick.
Ned: of course I could have known Jade! Every year he asked me to come to Kings Landing and visit him. And every time I said next year.
Ned: Sansa and Arya won't remember Jon at all. Bran and Rickon never even met him.
Jade: You will tell all four of them stories about Jon, okay Uncle Ned.
Ned: Jon would have been proud of you and Bran. Bran handled todays trip very well. And you were a year younger then Bran when you went with me.
Jade: I tried to help Bran. To keep him calm so he didn't run away.
Ned: I know thank you Jade. I love you.
Jade; I love you too Uncle.

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