The intruder became my labrat

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In a country far away from most life:

Alex went to sleep after a dreadful day of war against the fish eaters. His deepest wish right now was to make the war stop and get his people to win. Good for them the sticky hand kingdom and bogeyland had joined the war being on the fishlands side.

After falling into a deep slumber Alex found himself in an empty domain with the ground and sky being light blue. With the lack of anything it looked like he was underwater and that somewhere above was a sun shining onto the sea floor where he sat. Suddenly a mysterious voice spoke.

"I've been investigating you", the mystic voice said. It sounded like it came from thin air like they were using some kind of telepathy to talk to Alex

"What? Who are you?" Alex panicked at the sudden thought of someone stalking him.

"Thou shall be granted the power to turn your enemies to fishies and onto your side. Use this power wisely or else", it got straight to the point.

"Wait what???????" Alex got even more confused.

All of a sudden Alex felt as if he was sinking into the ground. The sand basically ate him. Then he woke up to the sweet sound of his alarm clock. That chimed the screethes of one of his victims' last breaths.

He got ready for work knowing that it will mostly be boring paperwork about their alliance with the other nations. He got his house keys and was about to put them into his bag until he noticed his keychain. It was a fish with a wooden head and knitted body. There was nothing special about it, it just catched his attention. Until all of a sudden it started glowing and vibrating. The light got brighter and brighter until he couldn't see anything. It all happened way too quickly for Alex to panic in other ways than to yelp and accidentally drop the thing to the floor.

Finally after the bright light disappeared he saw a person sitting in front of him. Assumably it was a blue haired boy. The boy was holding onto his head as if it was in pain.

"Who the frick are you!!!" Alex screamed at the sudden intruder in his house.

"Huh?" The boy looked up into Alex's widened eyes.

"YOU HEARD ME LOUD AND CLEAR", he demanded answers.

"Please stop screaming or my ears will explode",

"Well that would be quite pleasant, now please answer my question",

"I'm actually not sure either", the boy chuckled.

Now that another problem had made its way into Alex's life, he barely had any idea about what to do. What was he gonna do about the fact that apparently his keychain turned into a real boy. Isn't the answer obvious? Kidnap him and put him into your basement and then torture them since no one will know of his excistance and thus will not look for him. Maybe his neighbors will just think that Alex is having a wild night with someone based on all of the screams coming from his house.

Alex took the boy from their hand and dragged them into another room. Now that Alex thought about it, the boy was surprisingly short and petite. How submissible. Who knows what else you could do with this subject. Now in the basement Alex told the boy to stay there till he had returned back home from work.

After probably what felt like the longest day of work due to Alex's impatience about what was gonna happen back home. Sadly for him someone interrupted his calm walk back to the humble abode he calls home.

"ALEXXXXXX WAITTTTT!" An annoying voice, which belonged to his childhood friend who we call Bush, yelled.

Alex stopped at his tracks and turned around to face this familiar person only for them to already be close enough to give Alex a big tight hug. He tried pushing the friend away but to no avail.

Something FishyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin