Jerks cause heartbreaks

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Authors note: Even though it feels dumb warning about stuff at the start of a chapter, I'll do it anyway. This chapter has graphic description of torture/physical abuse. It's actually pretty wild.

On today's show of what will happen, we have Alex and little Fishy in this magnificent basement. Our scientist – Alex – has had a rough day of some jerk stealing his best friend and now is emptying that anger on our test subject, Fishy.

The smell of one's own slick combined with blood isn't as interesting as one would think. Of course quantity can make a change on such results but based on Alex's research, the blood overcomes it highly with its irony smell only leaving a bit of room for the slick's sticky feeling to make a difference. When it comes to texture, blood wins again almost completely hiding all signs of other substances. As it dries, Alex's fingers start to feel sticky, reminding him of the original slicks texture. But of course the beautiful look of tiny sticky blobs of white and the glimmering surface of his skin have now been replaced with a brownish red substance of dried blood.

It had only taken 47 minutes to come to this conclusion. Alex was disappointed. Perhaps a bit of extra work couldn't hurt anyone. Except our test subject of course. It wasn't like Alex would be running out of ideas anytime soon either.

Alex picked up the dull blade that's tip was covered in dried blood from years ago to use again. Perhaps adding a little color other than red to the mix wouldn't be such a bad idea. He picked up a few colored markers on the way. These are probably way too old to be used properly anyways. Hopefully not too old to be dry though.

Alex took the younger male's hand again and weighed the blade down onto his skin as hard as he could while making the motion of slicing something. First it moved slowly but pushed down harshly then it got quicker as the weight got lighter. It continued for 4 slices all aiming at the same spot, hoping to deal as much damage as possible. Fishy's squeals of pain could be heard even with his hard tries of not making a sound knowing that Alex wouldn't appreciate them.

Quickly after the making of the cut Alex took one of the markers – a red one, it reminded him of Cockjuice – and drew a line over it hoping to see a difference in the blood flow. There were barely any visible ones. After a couple minutes of seeing the aftermath, he came to the conclusion that this try was a fail. Of course it was, red wouldn't be seen on blood anyways for their almost identical color. One change he did notice though was that it changed the texture of blood, making it more watery and slower to dry.

Alex wasn't quitting after one failed attempt though. This time trying it on a different spot, now with a black marker. Many changes were seen. The spot was better making it bleed more and the blood turned into a beautiful mix of dark red and black. He folded the hand into a more open position. A slight hiss could be heard from Fishy as the skin stretched making the wound seem even bigger than before. Finally he was happy with his results but now there was a bigger mess than intended.

He tried cleaning the mess by wiping the excess blood off with a piece of paper. Sure it worked to get the wet part off but the parts that had already dried remained. Oh but how was he gonna clean those parts? Maybe by ripping it off. But that would just cause more of a mess. The dried blood was also completely covering his own hands. It seeped under his nails making the feeling awfully uncomfortable for him too. Fishy was shaking, not from fear but from pain. What a weakling for not being able to resist the slightest bit of pain.

"Hey Alex, you didn't answer the door so I-" Cockjuice's voice could be heard from the doorway to the basement. What was she here for and how the hell did she get into my house?

"AGSFSGDH", Alex got a bit scared at the intruder. What's with people and coming into his house without him knowing about it first. "O-oh Cockjuice, I- I, what brought you here?"

"You left your bag at the restaurant, your boyfriend asked if I could return it", she said, holding the bag high as if Alex couldn't see it normally. "So we're just gonna ignore whatever the hell is happening here?".

"Yes we are", he said getting up and began to walk towards the fellow friend.

It took him a bit to properly brainwash her into thinking that she just misunderstood what she saw. Even if Alex actually didn't manage to get the topic out of her head, at least now she won't call the cops on him.

"If I had to choose someone to kidnap, it would be Pa- my boyfriend", Cockjuice started telling her master plan, a hint of sadness covered her voice though, "and then I would drive him to a nearby forest where I'd drown him in coffee, run him over with my car, rip his hair out of his head, beat him up until there's barely any consciousness left and make sure he'd never leave me",

The tone in Cockjuice's voice was a bit scary, perhaps a bit psychopathic. Perhaps that's understandable when thinking about everything that's happened today. Wait what happened with her and Granate. He asked her about it.

"Well that shithead disappeared quicker than your father did, right after he found out the tiniest bit of information about me, it looked like all his interest in me disappeared", Cockjuice explained. "Am I that unlikeable?"

"I think you are quite enjoyable though, he just has crappy taste", Alex reassured her.

"But you say that about all of your friends",

"You're special though, I haven't met a more fascinating woman before you", Alex spoke his love confession out loud, taking her hands into his. "Oh and your hands, oh just how I love them, so soft yet dominant, I bet they'd taste amazing".

Perhaps he went a bit too far with that. Not everyone is used to compliments like these. Surely Cockjuice would understand this and not be completely weirded out by it. Her expression answered everything. Her eyes furrowed and her face was filled with disgust as she pulled her hands away from the others. Alex was now heartbroken for his gratitude wasn't accepted.

"Eww I'm not like gay or anything", she muffled, obviously not thinking if this was disrespectful or not.

"Hey what does that mean, I'm a man after all," he almost shouted, the poor boy's heart was now completely shattered.

"Well you know",

"I don't ..."

Authors note: I read a lot of fanfic.

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