Chapter 4: Cold and Comfy

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A/N: Sorry this wasn't updated in awhile, but here's a new chapter! Takes place during the winter, and a few years later.

At the age of three, Glowy was now starting to wander around Airy's place a bit, which of course made him more cautious, worried that Glowy could possibly wander too far off, and get lost. Or worse, get injured. So he now made it a priority to keep his eye on her at all times. One minute he'd look away, and then suddenly she'd be gone once he turns back around. On the bright side though, Glowy has been learning to talk more, she could speak in some sentences, although she often couldn't pronounce some words right, due to her young age. But to Airy, that was perfectly fine, she was learning.

It was currently the start of December, and at the moment, it was starting to snow a little. Glowy ran outside of the cabin, looking up at the sky with fascination. Airy soon quickly followed, just to be sure that she wasn't running off. He smiled, seeing the curious look on his daughter's face, as she looked around at the falling snow. She tried to grab the snowflakes, with very little success.

"Papa, what dis?", she asked, now looking up at him. "That's snow, pumpkin. It only comes around once it gets colder.", Airy said, walking up to Glowy. She looked back up, and reached her arm out. She had finally caught a snowflake in her hand, but when she brought her hand down to get a better look at it, she was shocked to see it had disappeared. "Where it go?", she asked with a bit of sadness in her voice. Airy chuckled a bit, kneeling down. "Snow melts, dear. Snowflakes are really delicate too...", he explained, ruffling her hair. "Awww...I wan it to stay!", she  pouted. Airy picked her up, wrapping his arms around her. "We should go back inside honey...It's cold out here, and I don't want you getting sick..", he said, going back into the cabin.

Airy had used some of his clothing to make a little coat for Glowy. Well, he basically just cut off the lower part of his own coat, and sewed it with some cattail fluff. He had just finished it, holding it up. "Glowy, come here...", he said, in which the little girl obeyed, walking over to her father. Airy wrapped the coat around her, and smiled looking down at her. " look so cute..", he said. Glowy looked down at her new coat, smiling. "Well, hopefully that keeps you warm..", he said, looking out the door. Glowy shivered a little. While the coat was keeping her a lot warmer, she still couldn't help but feel a bit cold, as the winds flowed over at her head. "How long until it warm?", she asked. She really wasn't a fan of the cold, she preferred when it was a lot warmer out, with the sun shining down. "In about a few months...", Airy said, looking back over at Glowy. She sighed, looking down at the ground. "Sorry honey...I know the cold isn't fun...", he said, stroking her hair.

Later on, Airy was working on the computer again. He discovered that he could now bring people onto the little planet with the help of the computer. Everyone who was teleported there were unsurprisingly scared and confused, so Airy tried to reassure them. Thinking of the best excuse he could really come up with, he decided to claim that this was a game show. This was some new contact that he was having with people, well, other than Glowy, that is. So, the least he could do was try to make it fun for him, and the contestants. Smiling down at the planet, watching the tiny people walking around on it, he turned his head to see Glowy shivering a bit more.

"Hang on guys...I need to go for a second..", he said into the microphone, before getting up. Walking over to Glowy, he knelt down. "Are you okay, honey?", he asked. She shook her head, frowning. "I'm cold...", she whimpered. "Is that little jacket not providing you any warmth?", Airy asked worriedly. "It keep me warm...but...I still feel a bit cold...", she said. "Ah...come here..", Airy said, reaching out his arms. Glowy got closer, getting into her father's arms. Airy wrapped his coat around Glowy, tightening his belt a little bit around his waist. Glowy clutched onto him, while he kept his arms around her for support, standing up. He walked back over to his chair, sitting down. Glowy was now starting to feel a lot more warmer now, since the heat from Airy's body and his clothes were pretty toasty. She snuggled into his coat a bit more, smiling.

Airy looked down at her smiling, before looking back at the planet. "Okay...we're going to start the first challenge...", he said into the microphone. Glowy looked up at him with a  confused look. "Huh?", she asked. "You see those little people on the planet? We're playing a little game...They're basically going to do some challenges..", he explained. Glowy seemed to understand a little more, looking over at the planet, nodding her head. She relaxed a bit more inside of her father's coat. "You guys will have a race...whoever gets to that tree over there first wins...the last two to make it there will be up for elimination...", Airy waited as the contestants walked over to a certain spot away from the tree. "", he said, bringing his face away from the microphone.

Glowy watched the little people running across the field. However, she felt her eyelids starting to get a little heavy. The warmth was starting to make her feel sleepy. She closed her eyes, resting her head against her father's chest. " seems like Button wins..", Airy stated. The sound was a bit rumbly against Glowy's ear, but she didn't even open her eyes. Finally, everyone finished, and Airy leaned into the mic again. " Caney and Calculatory are the last ones to get to the they will be up for elimination...", he said, turning off the microphone. He looked down to check up on Glowy, and he let out a little "oh", seeing her asleep in his coat. She snored softly, smiling in her sleep.

Airy slowly smiled, and chuckled. He stood up, making sure to keep his arms around Glowy, and left the cave. While walking back to the cabin, Airy hoped some of the cold air wasn't bothering Glowy in her sleep, the last thing he wanted is for her to wake up from her peaceful sleep, all because of some stupid cold. He walked into the cabin, took Glowy out of his coat, and gently placed her into her bed, trying not to wake her up. He placed a few more reeds over her, before planting a kiss onto her head. "Sleep well, pumpkin...", he said, deciding to go and lay down as well..

And that's the end of chapter 4. Hope you enjoyed it. I still gotta plan out some of the other chapters, so I don't know when the 5th one will come, but in the meantime, have a good one :)  


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