Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

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A few days later Samantha visits while carrying a bag.

Narim smiles, as he was in control at the time. "Samantha."

"I was wondering if you wanted to visit the surface today."

"Today? That would be great. I didn't think I would be able to visit so soon."

"Good." She hands us a bag. "Put these clothes on. They would be a bit better to wear for where we are going." She leaves.

Narim pulls out a shirt and pair of pants out of the bag. I wonder what is wrong with what we are wearing? he asks. He takes out the shirt, and assumes the tag goes on the inside on the back like other Tau'ri shirts. The denim pants are more obvious as they only fit one way.

Maybe she likes us better in this.

He finds Samantha waiting outside our room. "I am ready."

She brings us to the elevator, which always reminded me of the transport rings, but slower, darker, and cubed. We follow her outside, and Narim starts looking around. She leads us to a vehicle, and opens a door on the front right. Narim sits down in the chair in the vehicle, and Samantha teaches us how to put on the seat belt.

After she closes the door, Narim looks at a wheel on the left side. Do you suppose that controls the vehicle?

That would be my guess.

Samantha comes around, and sits on the seat in front of the wheel. She turns the vehicle on, and we start moving. Narim looks outside. "This is an interesting transportation device. We used to frequency use something like this on Tollan."

"It's called a car. I should take you on my motorcycle sometime."

Now, why does that sound dangerous?

"Why have we stopped?" Narim asks when we stop by several other cars.

Samantha points to a light up ahead. "When that is red all the cars stop. We'll continue when it turns green."

He watches the cars driving in front of us. "It is green for them?"


Narim stares at the red light, waiting for it to turn green. When it does, he says, "It did not actually change color, but stopped lighting while another light turned on."

Samantha chuckles. "Yeah."

Narim proceeds to stare out the side of the window. Soon Samantha stops by other cars, none of which have drivers, and in front of a grassland with some trees. She gets out, and comes around back to us. When she opens the door, Narim tries to get up and fails. Then we remember the seat belt, which she now shows us how to take off.

"This place is beautiful," Narim says. Narim goes onto the grassland, and sees one part of it has sand. The sand area had strange structures in it, and many children climb or swing on the structures. "Where are we?"

"It's a park. I thought your first time on the surface should be somewhere relaxing."

Narim looks around in amazement and sadness as he walks. "I believe you chose a good place them. This place is beautiful."

"Do you want to feed the ducks?"


Samantha points to birds at a lake. "Those are ducks."

"We are allowed to feed them?"

"Yeah, I brought some bread." She opens a bag, and takes out bread. She gives Narim a slice, and takes a slice as well. "You break off a piece, and toss it to them." She breaks off a piece as we approach the lake, and throws it at a duck.

The duck hops away, and then comes closer to eat the bread.

Narim smiles as I think how many days worth of bread we are about to feed to birds. He ignores my thoughts, and throws a piece at the ducks. Two ducks fight over his piece.

More ducks are attracted to us as we give them bread. Smaller birds start coming, and flying off with the small pieces of bread. Bigger birds that Samantha calls geese also steal bread from the ducks. Big bullies. Narim avoids throwing bread in their direction, but Samantha doesn't seem to care what birds get the bread she throws.

Eventually the entire loaf of perfectly good bread has been given to the birds.

I think you missed the point, Narim thinks.

We start walking, and the birds follow us a few minutes even though we are no longer feeding them. They soon give up, and leave. There is something Narim and I want to ask Samantha, and he gives me control to ask.

I look around, and am glad that it seems no one notice my eyes glowing. That is automatic with taking control unless I consciously stop it.

You should talk to her, I think.

I have spoken to her. She needs to hear from you now.


I'm not taking control until you talk to her.

Martouf did just this with Rosha/Jolinar. I think Narim went into my memories and took the idea from him.

I did.

That answers that. I sigh lightly. "Samantha." I make sure I sound like my host so anyone who might hear won't be suspicious about a human with a distorted voice.


I suspect she has all of Jolinar's memories that deal with being able to read me. "Yes." I stop walking, and turn to face her. She does the same.

"Samantha, we were wondering if possibly sometime in the future you might consider-"

I didn't think it was possible to extend a sentence so long. Stop stalling.

"...Samantha, we were wondering if possibly in the future we could pursue a relationship beyond friendship. I know now that you still need time after Pete. Narim and I both still have issues we need to resolve as well. Perhaps though, in the future, we can..." What do the Tau'ri call it? ""

Samantha smiles.

Please, say yes. Please, say yes. Please, say yes. Please, say yes. Please, say yes.

"I think that is possible."

I smile. Narim and I are very pleased with her answer. Our recent past hasn't been pleasant, and there are a lot of issues we both need to deal with. However, that moment we both know, our future is going to be good.

The End

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