Left behind..

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17 years ago, there were two twins. One named Light, the oldest, and the other named black, the youngest..
The two were once inseparable but, Light sometimes found Black a little annoying from time to time..One day, the two were in the living room and Light was just watching Television while Black was playing with her dolls and feeding them fake food. Black then speaks

Black: hey Light! Do you want to play with me?

*Black asked happily as she looked up at Light, but Light looked back at black with an annoyed look.*

Light: no!

*She said angrily. But then, an alert came on the television, saying that an infection has broke out.. Light then comes up with an idea.*

Light: do you wanna play hide and seek outside?

Black: b-but they just said that there's an infection!

Light: it's not real, I promise!

Black: But-

Light: it's fine!

*Light then went to go "hide" somewhere but instead packed her bags and goes somewhere far, leaving Black left behind..*

*Black looked for minutes.. then those minutes turned into hours.. then those hours turned into days, then weeks.. Black has tried call Light, even text her but she never answered..*

Black: I hope she's okay..

*Black mumbled to herself as she laid down in her bed and began to cry at the thought of Light being hurt or even infected..*

Don't I come first..?- infection AUWhere stories live. Discover now