Left behind.. (part 2)

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*Meanwhile, with Light, she was still running, Till she ran into a dark forest.. she began to run again but then tripped on a tree log on the ground, causing her to hurt her leg.*

Light: OW!

*Light yelled in pain but was soon quiet when she felt a hand covering her mouth.. she turned around to see a survivor*

???: shhh! They can here you!

*The mystery troll said. They then picked up Light and brought her to their hide out where the mystery troll cleaned Light's wound.*

Light: wait- so- why are you hiding?

???: haven't you heard? There's an infection- virus going around!

*Light's eyes widen in surprise*

Light: wait like- actually? Or are you just joking?

*Light asked, not wanting to believe that there's an infection going around..*

Light: what's your name anyway?

Felix: I'm Felix, what's yours?

Light: I'm Light, nice to meet you Felix.

Felix: what were you doing out there? If I may ask

Light: oh, I was running from my twin, we were just playing hide and seek but I only made that as an excuse to get away from her.

*Felix looks shocked to hear this. Why would anyone leave their twin or sibling behind?!*

Felix: but! She could've been infected by now! Why would you leave her?!

*Felix yelled in shock and worry.*

Light: she was getting too annoying.

Felix: We have to go back and get her! And fast because she's your twin!

*Light rolled her eyes and huffed.*

Light: fine.

Don't I come first..?- infection AUWhere stories live. Discover now