CH 2

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Liliane sat on her bed as Dawson texted her. She was getting DMs from the Duck's players as they spoke. She felt welcomed, but she wasn't leaving till tomorrow. Will she still feel welcomed then?


i'm still here
please come see me

im on my way. i
need to see you again.

Liliane didn't know how much time passed when there was a knock on her front door. Her few boxes were by the door, making it hard to have a lot of room for people to walk in.

She opened the door for Dawson and he engulfed her in a tight hug. Liliane cried into his shoulder as he hugged her for the last time until... she doesn't know.

"Mon amour, I don't want to leave you. I didn't know until yesterday and-" Dawson pulled away from her to reveal the tears streaming down his cheeks. Almost identical to Liliane.

"You're not leaving me. We still love each other and we always will. Do not say you are leaving me." Dawson cried. His sadness made Liliane want to fly away right now so she didn't have to see it. Instead, she pulled Dawson into a sad kiss.

"I'm not leaving you. I'm leaving the team. Not you. Je ne te quitterai jamais." Liliane sobbed. She nodded her head up and down in agreement with Dawson's words. She'd never leave Dawson and she meant it. She loved him too much to let him go.

"Baby, I'll never leave you. I'll be there for you everyday even if you are the Anaheim powerhouse they're saying you're going to be. I'll be proud when the Devils can't score against your defense." Dawson tried joking, but he was serious. He would always be proud of Liliane because he loves her.

"We can cheer together when I score against you guys." Liliane smiles despite the tears running down her face. Dawson nodded.

"I will always cheer for you." Dawson says. And like that, their conversation is over and they're kissing as they walk inside.

Neither of the two was happy about their first time together being sad sex, but they didn't get the chance to love each other the way they thought they should have.

They just knew this could be their last chance and neither of them was going to pass it up. It was a special moment for them, and they needed to have it. It was like a reminder they did love each other.

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