CH 4

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Liliane laughed as Trevor said a stupid joke. It was the first time she laughed since she's been in Anaheim and she's been here for a week. She's grown closer to Trevor and Jamie over the time here, but she wasn't best friends with them.

The first game is tomorrow. Preseason or not, Liliane was nervous. She might be playing tomorrow against the Golden Knights.

"Liliane, are you coming to the team dinner?" Jamie asked. Liliane shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I know I should, but I really only know you guys." Liliane said. Trevor spoke right after she stopped.

"You can sit in between me and Jamie. We'll save you a seat." Trevor smiled. Liliane sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

"If you promise to save me a seat, I'll go." Liliane said. Trevor celebrated to himself and Liliane suddenly wasn't sure if she wanted to sit next to him for an entire dinner.


Photos of the team having dinner together made their way through the internet. Liliane whispering with Jamie while Trevor laughs next to her and Trevor's arm wrapped around Liliane's shoulder with her looking like she's going to punch him.

Then Dawson calls Liliane.

"Hey, Merc." Liliane grins into the phone. She was back in her apartment and laying on her bed. Dawson on the other line took a second before responding.

"What's going on between you and Zegras?" Dawson asks. To Liliane, he sounded sad and angry, but she doesn't know why. Liliane raises an eyebrow, but then speaks knowing Dawson can't see her.

"Nothing. He's actually kinda annoying." Liliane says. She can't tell Dawson's reaction to her statement.

"His arm was around you." Dawson huffs, jealousy evident in his voice. Liliane never knew Dawson as possessive when it came to her. Maybe it was because they were always together when she was in New Jersey, but even when she was with someone else on the team he wasn't worried.

"Because he grabbed me so we could take a photo and if you didn't notice, I clearly didn't want his arm around me." Liliane says. She rolls her eyes and pulls the phone away from her ear and clicks facetime. It rings for a second before Dawson answers. His eyebrows are furrowed and he has a frown on his face. Not an angry frown, but a sad frown. Liliane's expression wasn't any happier.

"It's just hard being away from you. I'm not with you and I don't know what's going on all the time and I've been lied to before. I just can't let it happen with you. Je t'aime trop pour ça." Dawson says, his frown increasing slowly. Liliane smiles sadly and nods her head in agreement.

"That was really good French... have you been practicing?" Liliane grins. Dawson's cheeks flush and he nods. His frown turns into a smile and he laughs.

"I've been wanted to make you happy and you've always loved it when I spoke French." Dawson smiles. Liliane's heart swells in her chest.

"I'll be happy talking to you no matter what language you speak." Liliane says. She can feel a lump in her throat. All she wants is to run into Dawson's arms and let him hold her, even if it is just for a second.

"I miss you." Liliane says. Dawson sighs on the other side of the phone.

"I miss you too. But, the first game of the regular season is me against you... so I'll see you soon." Dawson grins. Liliane's smile comes back for split second before it disapeeres again.

"There should be a rule that I can't be traded unless you're going with me." Liliane laughs slightly. Dawson frowns and his head tilts to the side for a moment before straightening back out.

"You're not doing good, are you?" Dawson asks, or well, states. It's like he knew exactly how bad Liliane was doing. She had to admit, she wasn't doing good. She needed to be near Dawson again. It's like he's her happiness, but he's just so far away.

"No. I've been temporarily happy, but it doesn't last. When I'm by myself I just lay here and look up at the ceiling. The only thing pulling me out of bed is practice." Liliane sighs. Tears fill her eyes and without her knowing, they slip down her cheeks.

"It's so lonely here. Sometimes I don't even think I fit in with the team." Liliane cries. On the other side of the phone, Dawson's heart breaks. He can't stand seeing Liliane this upset and he almost books a flight to Anaheim just to see her.

"It's late for you, huh? Close your eyes and go to sleep. I'll be with you the entire time." Dawson says. Lilaine sighs and places her phone next to her, facing the ceiling. She can hear Dawson's breathing and her eyes close.

Maybe when she wakes up he'll be with her.

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