Chapter 2: Your Eyes Reflect Firelight

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My mask covers my face, walking down the hallway of the castle. The castle in France is bigger and brighter than the one back home.. the music and laughter of people in the main ball room echoed. My bright blue and gold outfit perfectly hid my bruises and scars, as well as my mask..

I turned a corner and accidentally collided with someone. "Oops! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry.. are you alright?" Her accented voice is so familiar.. Queen Mary! "Umm..yes your grace, I'm alright um.. sorry for bumping into you." I said, shaking a little. She gently took my hands on her own, her touch warm.. "It's quite alright.. I don't think I've seen you around before, what's your name?" She asked. My breath caught in my throat, with how beautiful she is. Her dark eyes and long dark hair, her fair skin. Her golden Artemis costume.

Her beautiful face was kind and friendly, despite being a queen in her own right. I caught myself staring and cleared my throat. "I-I'm Princess Charlotte.. you must be Queen Mary, right?" She nodded gracefully, offering a warm smile and extending her hand. "A pleasure, princess. I'm sorry for not recognizing you. It must be because my mind was elsewhere. You had a very nice costume, but please do take off your mask; I want to see your face." Mary said, as we shook hands.

I took off my mask, revealing my short brown/black hair, light skin and light brown eyes.. she took her mask off, revealing her beautiful dark hair and dark eyes.. the words slipped out before I could stop them.
"You're so beautiful, your grace". Mary laughed softly and her cheeks flushed slightly, looking away for a moment before returning her gaze back to me
"-Oh, thank you, Princess. You're very SWeet. ". Her soft laughter was musical. Her voice is soft and pleasant.

"You're welcome umm.. are you enjoying the festivities?" I asked, my heart speeding up and
butterflies in my stomach. Mary nodded graciously again, her eyes twinkling in the candlelight."Yes, I find it very enjoyable. Not the best celebration I've been to, but still a wonderful party."

We continued to gaze at each other for a moment, before Mary finally broke the silence."-Do you have a partner for the ball?" My eyes flickered to her lips for a minute. "umm no, your grace.. I don't have a partner, it's just me.." Mary could not help but notice the way I glanced at her lips and blushed slightly. She's still holding my hands, now her touch moved up my arm, holding me close. "You're alone?" She asked, her voice growing hushed and shaky. Her eyes lowered to my lips, our faces are really close to each other. The tension between us really thick. I could feel her breath against my skin and I shivered.

"Not anymore.." I whispered and leaned in and pressed my lips against hers. Mary was surprised when I kissed her. My lips were soft and tender, hers sweet and soft. She melted into the kiss, closing her eyes and kissing me back, her arms wrapped around my neck. My arms wrapped around her waist, holding her closer. "Mmm" I kissed her deeper, her warmth making me shiver. Mary moaned softly into my lips, kissing me with more passion. Her lips are so sweet and her breath is so warm, I could taste wine and fruits on her tounge. Her body fit perfectly against mine, sending waves of pleasure through our bodies. Mary gently bit my lip, as a soft moan escaped me. I wanted this to last forever.

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever as a rough hand on my shoulder tore me away from her. I was shoved against a pillar as my older sister, Amber gripped me by the neck. I couldn't breathe.. I couldn't move.. my heart started to pound. "What do you think you're doing?!" Amber demanded, literally screaming in my face. "You can't just kiss the queen! What the heck is wrong with you?!" I was shaking, unable to form words. Mary pulled Amber away from me, standing in between her and I. I was shaking and coughing, holding my chest.

Mary turned around towards me and checked on me. She noticed I was coughing and gasping for air, holding my chest. "Are you alright?" She asked, her voice soft and full of concern. I nodded, trying to breathe. My world suddenly turned black as I passed out...

The last thing I saw before I lost consciousness was Mary's face.. the feeling of her lips on mine remained..

Haunting Me: Book 1 A Reign Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now