To my dear lover

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To my dear lover,

If this letter has found you, it means I am no longer in this plaine of existence. Due to the fact that I have given birth to your child and that he will be raised according to my culture. My love, forgive me for not telling you of my pregnancy, but i had no choice. If I had told you of our child you would have taken him with you and forbidden him for knowing his roots. That or you would have tried to stay with us and that would have been certain death. I love you dearly my love, never forget that, but I could never abandon him. Not even for you, no matter how much it hurts me. My love, once you see our  chiId grown you will love him as mush as I already do and he hasn't even been born yet. This will be my last letter to you my beloved, may these find you well and lessen your grieve. I will love you always.
                                                                                  Sincerely yours,

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