To my dear son

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To my dear son,

Today in my fifth month of pregnancy I finally manage to make my beloved emperor smile. Did you know baby, the members of the imperial family, well the great majority have an obsession. When we were children, I become my emperors
obsession. Use that as your greatest weapon, you may have been born with your father's chocolate skin but you will surely have my face and eye color. Use that to get away with anything you want and get anything you may desire withing  reason of course. Baby boy! I just felt you kick! are you exited at the mere idea of mischief. Oh! now I'm sure you take after me. My sweet baby boy I finally know when you will be born, I dreamt it. When the whales return from the're migration, on the waters of Morgan you will come to this world. I'm so happy you will meet the spirit whales just as your born. What a blessing, and it just came to me your name. I'll write it to you in your next letter.

                                    with much love and kisses your mommy,

To my beloved people Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu