Chapter One

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Sabrina: What's on the agenda today Aunt Z?

Zelda: Well Sabrina, you being queen of hell should be your top priority shouldn't it?

Liylia: Sabrina?
You're queen of hell? Why didn't anyone tell me?

Sabrina: Lia, I didn't think you wanted to know and besides you don't have to worry.

Liylia: Worry? Are you even listening to yourself right now? Hilda, did you know about this?

Hilda: Of course, lamb. Everyone knew and including Ambrose.

Liylia: I wish you could've told me Brina. I would've supported you with your life as queen.

Sabrina: I know Lia, but if I would've told you, I would think that you wouldn't agree why I was doing this.

Liylia: Sabrina, having my vocal cords hexed is something I learned to live with since Ambrose's banishment from blowing up the Vatican.

Liylia: I have to use a record player to speak with everyone. I never talk about it but it's torture Sabrina. I want to talk with my own voice from my own body. I want to speak to my boyfriend without me being helpless.

Liylia: Do whatever you want Sabrina I don't care.

~2 Hours Later~

Ambrose: Aunties? Cousin?

Zelda: Hello Ambrose. How was the Academy?

Ambrose: Splendid Aunt Zelda. So.... Anything happened when I was gone?

Hilda: Well... Ummmmm..... You see....
Here's the thing dear, um.... We were just ready for dinn-

Zelda: No need to lie to him Hilda. Sabrina and Liylia had a argument that's all.

Ambrose: What was it about Aunt Zelda? Spells? Demons? Witches?

Zelda: Sabrina as queen of hell and Liylia upset of her voice still gone.

Ambrose: Aunt Zelda, you know she hates it as much as we do. I think I found a spell to help with that. Finally we can hear her voice again.

Hilda: Ambrose, dear....
I know you want to hear Liylia's voice again, we all do but have you talked to Lia about it.

Ambrose: Well..... Here's the thing Aunt Hilda, I haven't reall-

Zelda: He hasn't said anything to her about the spell yet, have you Ambrose?

Ambrose: No Aunt Zelda, I have not and I'm sure that this spell will work this time. This possibility is our chance to help her.

Sabrina: Hey Ambrose!!

Sabrina: Me and Lia were just talking upstairs, right Lia?

Liylia: (ASL) That's right Sabrina. Hello my love. How was the Academy today?

Ambrose: Hello cousin. Hello darling. Did you have a good day today?

Liylia: (ASL) It was okay. Me and Sabrina had a little issue a little bit ago that's all. But that issue is all fixed and there isn't anything to worry about.

Sabrina: Ambrose, you said you had something to us. Lia wanted to get some tea and I figured we would get a drink because our throats are parched.

Ambrose: Well..... Lia, my love? I have something to tell you. I hope you won't be mad at me if I tell you this.

Liylia: (ASL) What is it handsome? Is it that bad? I'm sure I won't be mad at you if you be honest with me.

Ambrose: I found this book at the academy and I'm sure it can be helpful with your vocal disappearance. This spell can bring back your voice and you don't have to use the record player anymore.

~Slams the spell book shut~

Ambrose: What's the problem my love? Are you okay? If not I can bring you more tea.

Sabrina: Ambrose, she doesn't want you fix her vocal cords.

Ambrose: What? My love, I finally found a way to bring your voice back and you don't want me to help you.

Liylia:(ASL) I appreciate you doing this for me Ambrose but I think you should stop. Losing my voice was for a reason and it should stay that way. It was punishment after all.

Ambrose: Lia.... Don't you trust me?

Liylia: (ASL) Of course I trust you. I wouldn't be here without you and your family. Sabrina is the sweetest girl I've ever known for sixteen years. I love our family but I wish you could see that I'm happy with you lot. I love you my handsome warlock and you being free from your punishment won't make me sad.

Liylia: (ASL) I was so happy that your banishment was lifted and I wish could see from my eyes. After all Sabrina knows what my voice sounds like and I knew one of these days she would want to know what my voice sounds like. I wouldn't take that curiosity away from her.

Ambrose: Is that true cousin? You heard what Liylia's voice sounds like?

Sabrina: Yeah, I did and it sounds like you were listening to a actual angel. I swear I don't think a voice like that actually existed.

Zelda: How did you hear Liylia's voice Sabrina?

Sabrina: Well.... I found a spell that I can
slip into her mind. I was curious and I knew that that might've been a force of privacy but Lia knew I wanted to know what her voice to sounded like before she was cursed to have her voice taken away.

Ambrose: Wait, you were able to do that cousin?

Sabrina:Um.... Yeah. She said her voice was taken away physically but mentally?

Ambrose: Of course!!!
Father Blackwood didn't think the possibilities for Liylia for mentally to have her voice back.

Ambrose: What if there was a spell to get her voice back mentally?

Zelda: Well Ambrose... Is there a way?

Ambrose: Well Auntie, I don't actually know.

Hilda: Zelda, I'm sure there's a way. A spell or something?

Ambrose: I don't actually think there is one. I don't have a spell in my books for this certain situation.

Sabrina: Actually.... I think I know someone who will!!!

Ambrose: Cousin, please don't tell me that you're thinking who I think you are.

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