Chapter Two

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~In Hell~
Eliania: Yes, Lilith?

Lilith: Your father isn't happy about this!

Eliania: Lucifer Morningstar Isn't my father and he will never will be. What does the former king of hell want?

Lilith: He speaks of an audience with you of course. Do you seek an audience or decline his offer?

Eliania: I accept. Bring me him will you Lilith?

Lilith: Of course, my queen!

Caliban: Hello my queen.

Eliana: Charming as ever Prince Caliban. What brings you to me at this hour. As much I want to see you, Lucifer is on my last nerve today.

Caliban: I wanted to see you of course. I could tell you're troubled. What is it my love?

Eliana: I wish that my father would actually see me as his daughter but he's so obsessed with Sabrina being his only heir to the throne. I'm the one on the throne not him.

Caliban: Well.... If it makes you feel any better, I will torture him for you and possibly make him see his fear come true. Or make him absolutely insane in his own mind?

Eliana: As much as that sounds tempting, no. I will deal with him by myself.

Lilith: Lucifer is on his way in chains. Anything else I can do for you my queen?

Eliana: No Lilith! Thank you and please return to your chambers. I need nothing else from you.

Lilith: Of course my queen.

~Lilith Leaves~

Sabrina: Long live the Queen of Hell!!

Eliana: Sabrina!!!

~Eliana runs and hugs Sabrina~

Eliana: How have you been? How are your aunts?

Sabrina: I've good. How about you, Queen of Hell?

Eliana: It's unfortunate on some days but it's totally worth ruling for. You know?

Sabrina: I know. I got your wedding invitation and it's so gorgeous and I wish I was able to tell my aunts about you taking my place as queen of hell.

Eliana: I'm sorry Brina. I wish I could help you but remember I promised you that we would keep this in hell.

Sabrina: I know. I wish I could tell my family. I feel bad enough that I lied to Liylia.

Eliana: I remember her. She was the one punished by Fastaus Blackwood because of your cousin Ambrose. I envied what he did and I thought it was brave and also how he took his punishment so well.

Sabrina: Yeah well.... Liylia was punished as well and since Ambrose got his banishment taken away.

Eliana: Sabrina, I know why you're here and it's not for a friendly visit to see your older half-sister.

Sabrina: Why wouldn't I come to see my older half-sister? I love you, you know and I haven't seen you in a while and I know yo-

Eliana: Sabrina Diana Spellman! Why are you here in hell?

Sabrina: I need your help!

Eliana: Why didn't you say so little sister?

Sabrina: I figured you've be too busy to help me. That's why I didn't ask right away and that's why I was stalling.

Eliana: Sabrina Spellman!! I would always help you even if demons were on the loose.

Eliana: Speaking of demons, excuse me for a few seconds.

Eliana: Amica mea (Speaking in Latin)

Caliban: Yes, my queen?

Sabrina: Caliban? Really Elly?

Eliana: Remember Sabrina, you promised!

Sabrina: I promised I wouldn't kill him. I never said I wouldn't hurt him, mentally.

Caliban: Sabrina Spellman! What a surprise!!

Sabrina: Likewise. *Sabrina fakes a smile*

Eliana: Amica mea? You promised as well as my sister did.

Caliban: Yes, of course. I wouldn't want you to be upset with me.

Eliana: Thank you.

Eliana: A spell is what you want Sabrina? Yes?

Sabrina: Yes it is. Is there one to help her.

Eliana: Well..... Shall we go to the library and find out?

Sabrina: Sure.

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