Chapter Three

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Eliana: So just you know Sabrina, I have no idea if there is a spell that can fix this. But, I will everything to help Liylia out.

Eliana: Lia is basically family.

Sabrina: Yeah she is. And Caliban has to follow us?

Eliana: I'm sorry Sabrina. But Caliban cares about me and he will everything in his absolute power to keep me safe.

Sabrina: When you put it that way, okay that makes sense.

Caliban: I can sense that you still hate me and I hope we can put our differences aside!

~Eliana leaves to look at a bookshelf~

Sabrina: Just because you're marrying my sister, doesn't mean we have to be friendly and all nice, okay?

Caliban: I understand you hate me from our last encounter. I'll stay out of your way. Just know, if Eliana asks me help, I'll help her.

Sabrina: Is it because she's queen?

~Sabrina gives Caliban a look~

~ Caliban chuckles at her question~

Caliban: No, Morningstar. It is not.

Caliban: It's because I love her. A beautiful girl like her doesn't come often.

~ Sabrina shocked of Caliban's answer~

Sabrina: I thought demons weren't capable of such affection?

Caliban: Yes, it is unheard of, but it's possible. It also depends on what kind of demon as well.

Sabrina: So..... You're one of those demons?

Caliban: Yes, you could say that.

Sabrina: One, I still don't like you. Two, I still don't trust you.

Caliban: Of course. I understand and always the pleasure Morningstar!

~Eliana returns~

Eliana: Hey, everything okay?

Sabrina: Of course, Sis! I was just telling Caliban that we got off the wrong foot. We should just aside our differences and get along.

Eliana: Aw, finally!

Sabrina: Why that?

Eliana: I've been wanting the two of you to get along and Sabrina, I knew how much you hated Caliban.

Caliban: Yes, Sabrina and I wish to get along much better. We wouldn't want to disappoint you.

~Demon guard shows up in the library~

Demon guard: My queen!!

Eliana: Yes?

Demon guard: Your prisoner is here as you requested.

Eliana: I will be right there!

~Demon guard leaves~

Eliana: Well Sabrina, let's take a break and will you join me?

~Sabrina smirks~

Sabrina: Of course, sister!

Eliana: Lucifer Morningstar! What a pleasant surprise!

Lucifer: Yes, well... I needed to speak with you.

Eliana: "Needed?" You wanted to speak with me.

Lucifer: You don't deserve to be on the throne! My throne!!

Eliana: it's not your throne anymore. I am queen and the demons know that. You are my prisoner father you will custom to my rules, my laws!!

Lucifer: I see that my daughter, Sabrina had come to visit.

Eliana: Yes, she has. After all, why wouldn't my own sister visit me when she she gave me the throne herself?

Lucifer: What? My daughter, you wouldn't give up the throne? It's your right to rule Hell as queen!

Eliana: You speak to me, not my sister!!

Lucifer: I've never told you about Sabrina, how do you even know about her.

Eliana: I have demons, father!

Lucifer: your annoying little prince told you didn't he?

Eliana: Why, yes he did and I'm glad he told me.

Eliana: Sabrina won the title of queen. She gave me the throne to me and I took it. Willingly, of course.

Eliana: Sabrina is the sweetest girl I've ever met and I wish I could've met her sooner. She's a badass woman and honestly don't know why you're so fascinated by her taking the throne?

Eliana: You wanted something in the first place Lucifer. What is it?

Lucifer: I heard you're getting married to a demon made of clay. I wanted to know if that was true and I guess it is. It's a pity that my slut of a daughter is marrying a piece of hell scrap.

~Caliban goes to hurt Lucifer but Eliana stops him~

Eliana: Amica mea?

~Eliana stops him and gives him a look~

Caliban: Minatus est tibi. Non feram deliciae. (He threatened you. I won't tolerate it.)

Eliana: Ita, sed te iratum facere vult. Procax est et nihil mutabit. Praesent quis quam est. ( Yes, but he wants to make you angry. He's pushy and nothing will change that. It's how he is.)

Eliana: I know what you're doing father. It's not gonna work and I'm sure Sabrina will help me. Isn't that right sister?

Sabrina: Yes, it is. The one that is claiming to be our father, is nothing but a coward.

~Lucifer growls in anger~

Lucifer: I would watch my words carefully daughter. Your tone will make you face the consequences of your actions.

Sabrina: It would, wouldn't it? That's the way I will keep my family safe.

Eliana: Sabrina reminds me of when I was her age. I was shy and less social of the court and now look at me.

Lucifer: You we're too naive, Elianazaiaya. Too naive to be queen of this court.

Eliana: Yes, well. . . . Sabrina made me queen. She saw how I looked at her with envy and I believe that's why she made me queen, she knew I wanted the throne and she didn't.

Sabrina: Actually. . . . . That's right. I knew how much you wanted to be queen. It all worked out. Lucifer as prisoner and me, a normal mortal witch life.

Lucifer: I gave you potential Sabrina and you reject it.

Sabrina: That happens when you don't want a gift. I simply refused it and gave it to someone who wanted it.

Eliana: See, when someone doesn't want your gifts. . . . . They offer it to someone who actually wants it.

Eliana: It's actually nice to see the devil in chains. It's comforting to know that I don't have to the devil over my shoulder anymore.

*Sabrina snickered at Eliana's words.*

Lucifer: You seem so sure. I know you will screw up Eliannzaiaya, I'll be watching all your actions.

Eliana: Being queen of the land of the souls, it's bound to happen that I will make mistakes. But if you talk to me like that again, I'll scar you myself father.

Eliana: Take him away!

~ Demon guard takes Lucifer away~

Lucifer: You both will regret this. I am the king of hell. I am a god. Nothing will stop me.

-Eliana looks at Sabrina. They both smirk.~

Lucifer: You will regret this Eliannzaiaya, I'll make sure it happens!

Eliana: It's quiet!

Sabrina: Peaceful!

Sabrina: It's getting late. I gotta get back to the academy. See you later, love you!

Eliana: Ditto, Brina!

~Sabrina leaves~

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