The man he loved.

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There was a life when I loved you
More than anything else.
More than myself.

There was a time where my eyes
Will search for yours,
My lips would ache to be touched by you.
There was a time where my definition of life was you.

Now it's nothing but a once upon a time.

Min yoongi was known as a cold hearted bastard. A demon who would torture people, skin them alive and make even satan cringe at the violence. A fucking sadist, human form of death who has his throne build of dead bodies. The grey smoke rings vanished in air and yoongi wanted to do the same. Just to vanish in air with nothing left behind. 

" Yoongi " It was jimin who called for him. He exhaled the smoke as his husband wrapped his arms around, hugging him.

" Good morning " Jimin nuzzled in his neck.
"Morning love" He turned around and jimin's arms snaked around his neck.
Yoongi crushed the cigarette under his boots.

" Do you think hobi still lov-" Jimin questioned him, gaining his attention.

" I don't think so " Jimin answered for himself and damn the gods that hurted like hell.

" It's better if we let him go"  Yoongi said taking the boy in his arms. The cold wind coming from balcony made jimin shiver.

"It's cold " Jimin muttered, his face pressed in yoongi's chest.  Yoongi slides the glass door where grey clouds were orbiting.  The sun was nowhere near.

Jung hoseok was burning. The more he read the papers, the more he want to set everything on fire. Hwan jin's was bracing himself for the coming storm and he flinched when the glass hit the wall shattering into pieces.

" Those fuckers" He heard his boss and hwan jin would do anything means anything to get out of this place.

" Sir, I - I - I th- think there is- is- no h-harm accepting this" Hwan jin's eyes were on the floor all the time . He   didn't dare to meet the man's eyes.

"You are dismissed" The word rang in the office and hwan jin was on his feet.


" Fuck it" Hoseok said and lited his cigarette, the nicotine in his lungs providing a relief.

" Why everything is running to his past? " The memories, emotions he buried inside him a long time ago now stirring up. His heart was burning on a slow flame. Jung hoseok was a man hated by god and he was trying to protect himself from him.

" I'll catch you, no matter how far you will run"

A voice pierced his head. Tears rolled down his cheeks as the memories came one by one  with pain following them behind. He was doomed.

Hj hotels were dominating the hospitality industry. The board members of Hope co. wants to establish a close relationship with them and so it was a truly profitable when Hj hotels offered a deal, but when jung hoseok denied them. It was a matter of concern for the company. Moreover the members were having opinions about his leadership and sent the honey laced threat, leaving  no option but to accept the proposal.
Hwan jin find nothing suspicious although his boss was raging hell. It must be personal. Nevertheless, the chairman park jimin was married  man so the assumption would be wrong. Hwan jin eyes widened as he saw the name Min yoongi  shining in spouse column in park's profile. Fuck, it was the same name his boss muttered when he was drunk out of his mind  leading to  hwan jin to collect him from hotels and bars. Lord have mercy on his soul,  his boss was going to work with his ex- lover's husband. Now that justify's boss action. Poor soul.

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