The purge (Taylor york)

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Megan and Taylor, both seniors in high school, also best friends, are both held captive in a tree house for the annual purge.
A tradition between the two.
Because no one checks a tree house during the purge.

Megan's pov
I nervously crawled back into the corner of the treehouse, running my fingers over the smooth grain of the walls.
"Why are you so nervous this year" Taylor curiously questioned as he laid down onto the quilt placed on the treehouse floor.

I shrugged my shoulders, trying not to think much of the event at all.
"I mean I even got a metal lock this year" he began gesturing to his lock he placed on the treehouse door.

"Just in case you didn't feel safe enough with me here" he rolled his eyes playfully.

Any girl in our high school would die to be in my position.
Taylor was the most popular guy in school.
Which is kind of a shocker because in middle school he was considered one of us.
An emo.

The "emos" consisted of me, Taylor, barely Jeremy, josh, zac, Jenna, kellin, rian, jack, Hayley, and tony.
Although I didn't get along with josh at all he was still one of us.

Fast forward to high school, and Taylor just happens to become the most popular.
It still surprises me, because most people thought the "emos" were suicidal punks, who were the biggest freaks in school
(Which isn't true at all)

Yet here I am, with Taylor york, my best friend since 2nd grade, aka the most popular guy in school.

"I do feel safe with you Taylor, you didn't even have to get that expensive crap" I shook my head, shaking away all my thoughts and snapping back to reality.

"Well, I did. and now we're doubly safe" he smirked, toying with the candy land board game he insisted on bringing up into the treehouse for the night.
Along with monopoly, the game of life, and pay day.

He's the biggest dork ever.
How he's popular I will never understand.

"Which game are we playing first" I questioned, glancing at the stack of board games in the corner of the treehouse.

"I was thinking candy land" he toyed with the little plastic colored figures.
"This game is trash" I sighed before lying down across from him on the quilt.

"This game is gold, and just for saying tha-" he was interrupted by the startling noise of the sirens.

His hand jerked forward, knocking over all the figurines, and messing up the candy land board.

The screeching noise continued for a minute or two more.
Buzzing against your ears, practically burning them.

This was by far my least favorite part of the event.
"Shit" he mumbled under his breath, fixing the board game so it wasn't scattered across the tree house floor.

The siren finally stopped, and everything went silent.
"Don't be afraid meg, we've been doing with since middle school.." he trailed off, looking into my eyes.
"Nothing's ever happened for the past couple years" he sighed loudly.

And he was right.
Why I was so nervous this year, I don't know.

He slid me the green plastic figurine, my favorite and gestured to the board game.
"Ladies first" he smirked.

I nodded my head and rolled the dice starting the game off.

~ ~ ~

"Go to sleep Meg, we're safe" he drowsily assured me, the blanket softly draped over his shoulders.
It was dark out, I could tell.

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