The mechanic (Hayley)

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Erin's car breaks down as she's about to ride into town during spring break for some coffee.
Her dad is leaving on a business trip and tells her to call a mechanic to come.

Erin's pov
"dad, the car won't start" I yelled into the house, while jiggling the wheel of my old Honda.
He soon stepped out of the front door, a man purse in hand.
Button up shirt with a tie.

"Check the engine" he said,putting his hands on his hips, "where are you going anyway"
"I wanted to go to Starbucks" I said before getting out the car and popping the hood up.

In all honesty I didn't know what I was looking at.
"Well I have to get going, there's 290 on the counter for dinner, I'll be back in 2 weeks" he said walking toward his car.
"But dad, what about the car" I asked throwing my hands into the air.

He stopped and turned around before pointing his finger straight up into the air as if he was in an old black and white movie and he just got an idea.
"Why don't you call one of those mechanics that comes to the house for you" he suggested before kissing my forehead and heading to his car.

"Bye I love you" he waved before pulling out of our brick driveway.

I sighed loudly and pulled out my phone to find the mechanic's number.
When finding I rung the company, a male voice answering.
"How may we help you on this fine evening" he asked, a smile I could imagine just from his tone through the phone.
"My car, it's broken down. I just need a mechanic to come to my house and look at it" I stated slowly.
After giving them my address, the man told me they'd have a mechanic here in less than 10 minutes.

I hung up and headed back into my house and plopped down onto the couch.
Pulling out my phone, I turned on some never shout never and sang along to it.
Because everyone knows Christofer drew has the best voice to sing and dance along to.

Upon shouting to first dance the door began to knock.
I quickly ran to the door, before opening it fixing my hair because I knew that the mechanic was bound to be attractive.

I opened the door slowly, never shout never playing softly in the background.

There stood a orange haired girl, in a shirt that shouldn't even be considered a shirt, a blue button up shirt tied around her waist.
"I could here you singing from the driveway girl" she said with a laugh, her voice kind of edgy and sassy.

I smiled kindly and looked about her, "might I ask, what're you doing here" I said, trying my hardest not to sound rude.
"I'm your mechanic" she stated as if it was obvious, that edge still in her tone.

"Oh" was all that escaped my mouth, I was just..surprised I guess.
"What? You expected a dude didn't you, well guess what I'm a chick" she said putting her hands on her hips.
I shook my head quickly, "no- no I just I don't know.. don't you have a uniform" I asked changing the subject to her bra sized shirt.

She shrugged, a smirk present on her lips.
"What is my shirt too short for you" she asked now shifting her weight onto her other foot.
"No- I just" I trailed off and shook my head.

I pushed past her and lead her to the car pointing to the open hood.
"That's the car, I don't know what's a wrong with it" I whispered, kind of frazzled by her open personality.

She nodded her head, bending over and examining her engine, unfortunately she had bent over right in front of me.
I could feel that my eyes were obviously burning a hole right through her shorts.

When she glanced back at me, my eyes darted in a different direction, way to blow it Erin.
"Enjoying the view back there buddy" she chirped out, making my cheeks blush.

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