9• im here

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Iwaizumi has never ran so fast like he did today okay maybe he has but he surely broke some record today. It felt like mere minutes when he reached the location Shoyo told him about on call. From the distance he could make out another tall blonde boy with him. Thank goodness he's not alone.

He wasn't sure what warranted the distressed call Shoyo made asking him if he could come to pick him up and that something happened but he can't talk about it now. Shoyo was vague but he knows his brother, he won't call unless it was something serious. So all sorts of bad scenarios kept running through his head until he reached his baby brother only to find an armful of Shoyo clinging to him and whimpering. All he could do was give a confused and concerned look to the blonde and pat his brother comfortingly on the head and back tightening the hug further.

When he got the gist of the situation after Shoyo's inability to speak due to being shaken up by the blonde, Tsukishima was his name, he said. Nonetheless he was surprised to find Shoyo seeking help from the blonde with his puppy eyes that always made Iwaizumi melt into a puddle. But it had a harried and distressed edge to it so he didn't comment on it and he was right to do so as what happened made Iwaizumi pale, his face drained of all colour.

His....his cousin....his baby brother....was almost saved from being raped....he was still assaulted though. Oh no...what must be going on through his head now. His self esteem already sucks and he was finally starting to overcome his past association with abuse. This incident was bound to set him back. Shoyo never spoke about the extent of the abuse he faced from his father but he has sneakily heard his mom and aunt talking about his aunt's experiences some with Shoyo included from which he can get a pretty good picture. It was bad...

Why does all the shitty things have to happen to his angel of a brother? Just why? He thanked the Tsukishima boy by bowing. If it were under better circumstances he feels Shoyo and him could become good friends. The guy was decent and good. He has a feeling he's gonna be sassy asf too though.

"Thank you thank you thank you a lot for stepping in when you did if you weren't there I can't imagine what could have happened...god forbid... I will owe you for this... I'm Iwaizumi Hajime btw. I wish it could have been under better circumstances though." Iwaizumi introduced himself.

"Likewise and I'm glad I was able to step in too Iwaizumi san it's no trouble and you don't owe me anything it's basic human decency. " Tsukishima replied awkwardly but with a sincere tone.

"Many wouldn't even bother you know so thank you, you're a good kid."  Iwaizumi  managed a small smile at Tsukishima which he returned with an awkward one. Oh god he's stuck with introverts.

"So I guess that's my cue to leave then. Take care of him Iwaizumi san. It seems like he has fallen asleep on you though." Tsukishima chuckled after informing him of his plight and left with a two finger wave in his direction. Oh shit...

He's going to have to carry him and after such a bad incident, its not like he was planning to wake Sho up anyway. He must be drained emotionally.

I'm here Sho-chan, I'm here now.

Zumi-ni will protect you now.

"Forgive me for not being there, Sho-chan." Iwaizumi whispered into the night while carrying Sho on his back.

This won't happen again. Whoever dares touch Sho-chan again will get punched to hell wishing they weren't even born.


(a/n : this is a short chapter. I wanted to write Iwaizumi's pov and i might edit a bit of this chapter later I'm writing being sleepy out of my mind. hope ya enjoy. yes yes ik ill make sure to start high school within 1 or 2 chaps)

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