Chapter One: The Birth Of A Legend

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The sun shone on top of the clear blue sky ever so brightly. Its bright yellow rays spreading out, giving a warm light for a beautiful day like today. A great dragon zooms across the air so fast that it's almost a blur. His scales, color of silverly white which glimmers like the river with pale periwinkle spots on his rump, the crest scales from head to tail are moderate cerulean, chest scales and tail tip are teal, and his wings are majestic and great like an angel's. He had two peach-colored, straight horns and arctic blue eyes. It flew blew a group of clouds shaped like creatures known for their singing, dancing, hugging and most of all, for their happiness for their freedom: the trolls. The land where this dragon and the trolls live in is a beautiful, peaceful, and unspoiled land where every creature lives in harmony and safety. It's beyond any contact of civilization or unknown strangers that might arrive there. The water is purely clean, the green grass bends as gracefully in the wind, the trees all stood tall and firm, and everyone lives happily and carefree as if there was no danger. This land is what the creatures called the Wildglades. It is known for its many open areas within the woodlands where grassy meadows are located under the canopy of deciduous trees such as aspen and alder. The dragon flew so gracefully and majestically throughout the sky, flying over a valley where some fields of flowers were near a river. Once over the river, it playfully dipped its paw into the water, taking a drink of some water while he has a chance, and flew higher once he's done. He happily flew across the field where he reached some giant rocks along the way. Now, one may think the dragon is the hero of the story. He's not, but he knows the hero for sure, or at least, he will very soon. On the the rocks, beetles, insects, and reptiles are found either sunbathing in the sun rays or even strolling around the rocks. The dragon flew over the creatures, paying no mind to them at all. In an instant, we reached a waterfall where there are rapids just after it. Near the rapids, a mother Eninac (wolf like creatures with colorful fur) was teaching her two cubs how to fish near the water's edge. She managed to swipe her claw into the water and out came a fish and landed on the ground. The pup immediately grabbed the fish as they tugged it back and forth between themselves while their mother happily watched. Later on, we see a view of some wetlands and swamps, surrounded by trees, marshes, and mud mud while being shrouded by a light fog. In the waters, a group of alligators swam calmly while the others rested on the banks. No matter where you go, you will never experience a healthy environment untouched by the outside world such as this one. The wildlife here live without fear and worry. Big or small, all creatures live with one another in symbolic ways and treat each other respectfully. Finally, the scene jumps back to our dragon friend flying over some beautiful trees in all shapes and sizes and also, full of life. It was actually a sacred grove located inside a beautiful forest. The trees stood proudly around the area, various creatures such as insects and critters walked across the branches, and flying animals such as butterflies and hummingbirds all flew through the trees. In an instant, a group of trolls jumped through the trees tops across the branches, launching and hollowing from the fun they've having. Below them, another group of trolls ran out of sheer freedom. Some even skated around the grass or on uprooted roots in their homemade skateboards or blades, others swung across some thick vines across the air. They all ran until they reached a lake and jumped into the water for a swim. The ones traveling in the trees manage to reach the tops and enjoyed the sweet breezes of the wind blowing through their hair, swaying them back and forth. The trolls in all colors and ages enjoyed their days like they do every day. They played together, sang together, danced, ran, and even hugged. With freedom, they have no limits fear. These trolls are the Rainbow trolls and they live together as a clan known as the Glade Clan. They live in prosper in their village where they live in pod-like homes above the trees like treehouses while others prefer on the ground, living in underground burrows or pods as well. Like all clans, they are led by their leaders and the Glade Clan is no different and there begins our story. The clan lived peacefully under the watchful eye of their leader: a green troll with cobalt blue hair and green eyes named Thorn. He wore reddish brown pants, dark blue shirt, and a teal  bandanna. He stood on top of a thick branch he could overlook the others and the distance makes it easier to spot danger. Thorn is known for his strength, courage, fairness, and agility. He needs to in order to protect his people from any danger that might come to harm them. All he wants is for his people, and family to be safe and hoped for many happy days ahead. And speaking of a happy day, on an early morning that day will be his happiest and he didn't realized it until now, expecting his four sons, his first son, John Dory, his second son, Spruce, his third son, Clay and his fourth son Floyd.
Thorn twitched his ears when he heard his being called. A troll with orange skin, scarlet red hair, and amber eyes came to him, panting from all the running he did.
Thorn: Alder, what's wrong? Is there danger in our home?
Alder: No, Thorn. It's...It's time!
Young John Dory: (gasp) Daddy!
Young Spruce and Clay: Dad!
Toddler Floyd: Daddy, our baby brother or sister is coming.
Thorn: Time? You mean now? Lead us there!
Without hesitation, both trolls and four trollings ran towards Thorn's pod: a giant pod that's blue and light green. Behind them, some trolls managed to follow them, wondering all the fuss about. Thorn entered his and stood anxiously as he saw his mother in law, Rosiepuff, helping her daughter, a beautiful teal green with mint green hair and sky blue eyes give birth. The teal green troll, who is known as Ivy, John Dory, Spruce, Clay and Floyd's mother and Thorn's wife was taking deep breaths in rhythm while being supported by a mountain of pillows behind her as two trolls held her hands, comforting her. Her face all covered in sweat and her hair was uncombed and messy from the stress of being in labor.
Rosiepuff: That's it, sweetie. Easy does it, She instructed her to relax and to remain calm.
Thorn: Rosiepuff, is she gonna be okay, Thorn? He worriedly as he rushed over to Ivy.
Rosiepuff: She's just in pain, my son. But she'll be fine once the baby's out. She assured him. Still, Thorn couldn't help but feel worried for his dear mate.
Ivy gasped as she felt the contractions giving her pain as she let out a cry.
Ivy: Can you see the baby?
Rosiepuff: (coaxed her) No, yet,but you're doing great, sweetie. Just a few more pushes. The baby can only do half as much if you don't push.
Outside, the brothers and various trolls gathered around the pod. They've heard the news of Thorn's baby about to be born and the brothers began wonder what he or she be like. Yet, judging from the screams coming from Ivy, even they became concerned for the soon-to-be big brothers and the well being of the two. She pushed as hard as she could before she fell back, panting in exhaustion. Her husband smiled and wiped her forehead with a wet cloth.
Thorn: You're doing really well, my flower, I know you're tried, but you're strong. You can do it. Just try again. For me.
Ivy: (huffed) With you by my side, I have strength,
Once more, she closed her eyes and pushed. She gave it all she had left, screaming at the top of her lungs.
Young John Dory: (Spruce, Clay and Floyd gasped) I can't watch! I can't watch!
Rosiepuff smiled at the sight of baby being halfway out.
Rosiepuff: Just one more push
Ivy did as she was told and with a final push, the baby was finally out as it slid into Rosiepuff's arms. Ivy fell back against the pillows, breathing heavily with her eyes closed. The silence surrounded them was replaced by a high pitched wailing. Ivy panted and opened her eyes. With a smile, she tiredly lifted herself up to see the miracle. Thorn and his sons gasped and grinned wildly at the sight of his newborn in his mother's arms. The infant was beautiful!
With a warm smile and tears in her eyes.
Rosiepuff: It's a beautiful little boy!
The parents and the brothers smiled as Thorn hugged his wife, giving her small kisses on her forehead.
Thorn: You did it, my dear. We have a son!
Ivy: We do, don't we? (With tears in her eyes)
Once the baby's all cleaned up, Rosiepuff wrapped him in a fuzzy blanket and passed over her grandson to his parents. Ivy held him close to her chest, kissing his head. The baby calmed down in his mother's embrace and blinked up at her. The baby's eyes were big and as blue as the sky. He inherited his mother's beautiful teal green skin and his father's cobalt blue hair. He looked up confusingly, but when his cleared up, he saw his loving big brothers and his loving parents gazing at him with warm smiles, all the pain forgotten. The baby cooed as he reached his arms up.
Toddler Floyd: Hi baby brother, we're your big brothers, you are our baby brother. (The baby cooed and smiled at his brothers) Thorn caressed the baby's cheek and his son responded in nuzzling it. Thorn realized that his people might want to welcome his fifth son to the world. Alder stood up and he opened the door where the trolls waited for the results.
Alder: My trolls, it's a boy! Thorn and Ivy have a beautiful, blue troll of a son!
All the trolls cheered, gave their congratulations to their leader, and jumped for joy, knowing that not only did they have a new to the clan but a new heir as well. Thorn shushed them softly, not wanting to scare the baby inside. He allowed them to come and see him inside. One by one the trolls came to see the newborn, but they made sure not to overcrowd the baby, his brothers and his mother. Once they saw the baby, they oohed and awed and even smiled.
A female purple: Aw! He's so beautiful! (clenching her hands together)
Another troll: (cooed)
A trolling: (whined) I wanna see the baby! Luckily for him, his father gave him a lift and put him on his where his child could see baby clearly. The little baby watched curiously at the trolls before him. There were all happy for him and he managed to make a small smile as he babbled happily, earning some awes from the crowd.
Young John Dory: Aw!
Young Spruce: Welcome to the world, baby brother.
Young Clay: You're so adorable.
The little baby watched curiously at the trolls before him. There were all happy for him and he managed to make a small smile as babbled happily, earning some awes from the crowd.
Alder: We must choose a name for the new prince? Suggestion anyone?
Young John Dory: Yes Mommy and Daddy, it should distinguished, I think (babbling on) Something worthy for my baby brother the prince of the Wildglade Clan. Perhaps Rowan...or Storm, (suggested) Sycamore sounds regal for us
Young Spruce and Clay: Sycamore?
Toddler Floyd: How's about Branch?
The baby hiccuped. He stood his little head, not liking any of the names being suggested for him.
Newborn teal green trolling: Bah! Bra...Bran!
Ivy chuckled at his son's attempt to name himself or maybe speak. She tried to guess what he's trying to say.
Ivy: You know, I think our son wants to be named...Branch would be nice.
Rosiepuff: Oh yes! That sounds lovely!
Thorn: And it's a small yet strong name, it's perfect for our son. Don't you agree?
The trolls nodded in agreement, some even clapped their hands happily. It looks like they all agree with the name decision.
Young John Dory: Welcome to the family, baby Branch! We're your big brothers now!
Young Spruce: Hi Branch, you're adorable. (Newborn Branch cooed)
The trolls nodded in agreement, some even clapped their hands happily. It looks like they agree with the name decision.
Rosiepuff: (giggled) My, my. Barely an hour old and the boy's already helping our family make decisions just like a leader.
Young Clay: (sobbing) We're your big brothers, welcome to the family, Branch.
Alder: (Held him and gently lifted him up all to see) Thorn and Ivy's fifth son and the future heir to the clan: Branch! Everyone cheered along loudly, which slightly surprised little Branch.
Toddler Floyd: Branch, welcome to the the family!
Thorn: It's all right, Branch. That's the traditional family welcome, just for you. (Newborn Branch smiled as he nuzzled his father lovingly, which he returned) I love you, Branch. We all do.
He placed his son on the end of the bed. Surprisingly he then crawling towards his mother, only to softly fail. But he rose up and managed to reach his mother who grabs him lovingly. Thorn trained John Dory, Spruce, Clay and Floyd about the territories and boundaries and even to use his hair correctly like a whip. Ivy taught them how to sing and dance. Rosiepuff then handed Ivy a bottle for him to feed. They usually gather milk from the other animals they raise in their small corrals. Branch saw the bottle and began drinking the warm, fresh milk from it, enjoying its sweet taste. Even making a small bubble after he burped it out, making the other laugh.

Branch: Trolls Of The Wildglade Where stories live. Discover now