Provoke Outrage

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That was not the end of that. You could have told Garcia as much --that the Twins never backed down from a challenge-- but she wouldn't truly understand until she saw it for herself.

Almost overnight, Fort Valiant lost contact with the other three towns in the county. No radio broadcasts, no couriers, and no caravans were coming in or out. This was bad.

See, each town had a special purpose. Stern Plantation was the biggest food source in the county. Redd River Valley was the main source of clean, unirradiated water. Little Oak provided raw building materials such as lumber and minerals.

Fort Valiant was the military might, rising to defend any of its allies whenever called upon. But no requests for assistance were coming in. Then again, no deliveries were either.

Garcia sent a messenger to each of the settlements, but they all came back with the same news.

You were in the room when the first one arrived. "The town has been taken over by raiders. Looks like the Final Ghouls," he said.

"How do you know it's them and not some other gang?" Garcia asked.

"Sheer numbers. They have a lot of people and vehicles. Plus, they spray-painted all the walls with their colors and symbols, and they're blasting hip-hop music at all hours."

Her mouth formed a thin brown line. She turned to you, seeing as you were the only one with any experience with the gang. "Mija, talk to me. What are the chances of the townsfolk still being alive?"

"Pretty likely," you answered. "The Final Ghouls have been known to capture and enslave those they find useful. The old and the sick are usually culled, but they won't harm women and children."

"Why is that?" The messenger asked.

You gave him a look befitting such a stupid question. "They like to pad their numbers." Wasn't that obvious? "Beware any unfamiliar kids you see around. They like to use child soldiers."

Garcia did not look happy to hear that news.

"Why attack every settlement but the Fort?" She demanded. "And how did we not know the others had been attacked before it was too late?"

"Stealth infiltrations aren't uncommon with the Twins," you said thoughtfully. "I'm guessing the Ghouls were in the county before we knew they were coming. They like to quietly send out scouts before they come in loud and fast for a full assault.

"As for why we were 'spared'... I'd say they knew we had the best defenses and would put up the biggest fight. So they're planning to smoke us out. With the number of soldiers stationed here, we'll run out of food and water sooner rather than later. But sending troops to retake those towns will leave our own settlement vulnerable."

"So we're screwed either way?" The messenger squawked.

"We're not screwed. Not yet at least," Garcia snapped. You could understand her frustration. If word got out, people might panic. She sighed, ran a hand down her face. "Thanks for your report, Martin. Keep this information confidential. You're dismissed."

There was a beat of silence after he left the room. It was heavy and uncomfortable, so you felt comfortable breaking it. "What's your plan, Garcia?"

"I'm sending out the Rangers," she said. You nodded.

The Rangers were Fort Valiant's best fighters, each one of them a one-man army. Sending out them instead of garrisons of regular troopers meant they could keep most of their fighting power at the Fort to defend against an invasion should one show up at their doorstep.

"I'm going too," you told her.

"Oh no, you're not," she answered in that maternal tone of voice. "Gangs don't take too kindly to snitches and deserters. If you're caught, you won't be enslaved like the rest. You'll be killed. I'm not sending you to your death."

You understood her concern, but still! You weren't a child! And she wasn't your real mom. She couldn't forbid you from going. "It's been years now! No one will recognize me."

"Is that true?"

You didn't feel completely comfortable lying to her about this, lest she see right through you. "Okay, very few people will recognize me." She gave you a look. "Come on! Raiders don't live long. There's a high turnover rate, given it's a kill or be killed lifestyle." Another look. "I need to do this, Garcia."

She stared at you for the longest time, seeming to see right through you. You didn't know what she saw and whether or not it satisfied her, but she eventually closed her eyes and sighed. "Fine," she said through gritted teeth. "But your mission is over the instant you're recognized. Are we clear?"

You grinned. "Crystal clear."

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