Rubble & Ruin

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From the very beginning, you knew what a one-on-one battle against the Final Ghouls would be: an absolute massacre, even in a "fair" fight.

But the Final Ghouls didn't fight fair. You didn't expect them to be honorable, but you also didn't expect them to fight as dirty as they did. You should have, though. You once fought by their side, knew all their best tactics.

"What are we going to do, Garcia?" You asked her quietly one evening. News had just come back from Little Oak. Kali and Uma had set forth a forest fire of the likes they'd never seen before.

Just in case the smoke hadn't been visible from Fort Valiant, the Ghouls sent a courier with a message of their conquest. He had been badly burned and died of his injuries hours after his arrival. This was also likely the Twins' intention.

There were no survivors from Little Oak. Those that the gang didn't deem worth enslaving were "immolated," a pretty word for burned alive.

"I don't know yet," she sighed.

You asked again the next night. "Garcia, what are we going to do?" News had just come back from the Stern Plantation. Kali and Uma had thrown a feast.

The gang had eaten years' worth of food reserves in a single night. Those rations were set aside to get the county through hard winters and bad harvests. And now they were gone.

The courier they sent had been savagely beaten. The Fort physician said he might live if his infected arm was amputated, but the man died on the operating table. And that ended up being a mercy.

There were no survivors from Stern Plantation. Those that weren't forcefully assimilated into the Final Ghouls were locked in the root cellar of the plantation house, right before the farmhouse was reduced to rubble. There would be no escape. They'd slowly starve to death down there in the dark and the dank.

"I don't know yet," she said, dragging her hands over her face.

Same question the night after that. "What are we going to do, Garcia?" News had just come back from the Redd River Valley. Kali and Uma had poisoned the water supply.

You don't know where they got it from, but they dumped huge drums of oil into the river. God only knew if it would ever run clear again. One thing was for sure, though. It wouldn't be safe for consumption for a long, long time.

Before sending the courier to Fort Valiant, they had poured gallon after gallon of contaminated water down his throat. It was a wonder he survived long enough to deliver his message. They induced vomiting, but the damage was done. He died a scant few hours after arriving at the gates.

There were no survivors from the Redd River Valley. Those that had been judged and found unworthy had been crucified, nailed to make-shift crosses and left to bake in the Texas summer sun.

Garcia didn't say anything, just sat there with her guilt and regret for a long time.

That was it then. The only region left was that on which the Fort sat.

It was only then that their fearless leader shared her plan.

"We're going to evacuate. We'll pack up what we have --focussing primarily on weapons and ammunition-- and head west until we reach the next biggest county. Hopefully the Final Ghouls won't follow us. But, if they do, we'll have a better chance of taking them if we're able to pool our resources."

You knew they wouldn't get that far, and Garcia must know the same.

You ached to ask her to run away with you instead, to send the rest of the Valiant west as a diversion while just the two of you snuck away up north. Less of a chance of you getting caught that way.

The Twins didn't give you enough time to work up the courage to ask.

They came in the night. What must have been close to their full fleet of military vehicles surrounded the Fort... Likely just in case anyone tried to escape by jumping off the outer walls. They probably planned to leave no survivors here either.

There were no introductions, no warnings. Not a single word was exchanged.

The gate fell like a house of cards under their onslaught. The first shot had already long since been fired. The fight was in full throttle, but really turned into a bloodbath when the Ghouls started flooding through the entrance, with their superior armor and weaponry.

You situated yourself on the roof of the tallest building in the Fort, alongside Garcia and the rest of the best snipers. You fired off shot after shot from La Longue Carabine, but --dear God-- they just kept coming.

At the very least, you thought you were safe. That was until one of the enemy launched a grenade up atop the roof you were stationed on.

Most of the snipers were able to scramble away from the explosive before it went off, but the blast caused the building to collapse in on itself.

When you hit the ground, you also hit your head real hard. Worse was the injury to your left leg, though. You could literally feel the bone poking out of the skin.

"Garcia," you whimpered, half-crawling to where you saw her head of dark hair peeking out from under a huge piece of rubble.

"Shhh," a familiar voice hushed you. You were not soothed by it, though. It didn't belong to Garcia or any of the other Valiant.

You craned your head up to see Kali standing over you, grinning like a devil.

"Look what you made me do," she tsked, shaking her head as she holstered Bad Touch. Then she rolled you over onto your back before scooping you up in her arms. You fought her hold with all your might, flailing every limb that was still intact. "Hey, now, stop it! Or I'll make good on my promises to mutilate that little leader of yours."

With her very graphic threats of torture fresh in your mind, you froze, didn't do more than glare.

She ignored your nasty expression, though. "That's my good girl. I hate seeing you hurt, but I guess it wouldn't have been like you to sit out a fight. We have a lot to talk about, but, first, let's get you somewhere safe and sound." With that, she turned and began calmly walking away, as if you weren't in the middle of a warzone.

Fuck the universe. And fuck your life.


that's the end of Arc 1 of this story. I see the completed fic having 2 or 3 Arcs, but this is all I have written for now. I hope you enjoyed it! expect to see more of, I dunno, something, soon. buh-bye! 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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