One sky

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"Is it like you imagined?"

"It is even better."

They were sitting on the rocks on top of a mountain. They climbed here before already, all those years back. At that time, Mhok's heart was about to break into pieces knowing Day has lost his vision. This time they climbed up victorious. 

"Nothing can beat this view, he?"

"Phi Mhok! Are you once again pointing out at your striking visuals?"

Mhok grinned. "You said that, not me."

"I will never learn," Day gave a little shake of his head. 

"But I must admit, the sky is beautiful up here."

"I would not exchange my sight even for this beautiful sky, Phi. It is so precious."

"But I would gladly bring the sky down to you if you wished." Day was flustered by this unexpected statement. Mhok intertwined his fingers with Day's. "I love you so darn much, Day."

"Me too," Day caressed Mhok's cheek. "And I never want you to disappear from my life again."

"I am not going anywhere."

"Good, because I am not letting you."

"I am not letting you go as well," Mhok smiled and let go of Day's hand. Kneeling down to one knee he took a box from his pocket. 

"Phi Mhok!"

"I want us to enjoy whatever life throws at us. Together."

Day stared at him with opened mouth in surprise before gathering his thoughts again. "Is this one of the things on your wish list?"

"One of many," Mhok admitted. 

Day smiled. "Mine too." He pulled Mhok to stand beside him and kissed him. When the kiss broke Mhok slid the ring on his finger. It was a beautiful polished circle with little dots on it. Day examined the ring closely and realized the dots were Braille. But they were to delicate for Day to be able to read it under the sunshine. 

"What does it say?"

"One palm away," Mhok traced the ring with his thumb. "Because I never want to be farther away from you."

Day's eyes watered. 

They kissed again.

Under that one sky which belong only to them.

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