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Seonghwa P.O.V.

The ringing of his doorbell ripped him out of his peaceful slumber.

He thought that maybe he only imagined it.

But something in his gut told him to at least go and peek through the peephole.

He stood up, glanced at the red digits on his digital alarm clock that sat on top of his nightstand and dragged himself to the door.

The clock read 1 a.m.

Who in the world would ring his doorbell at one in the morning?

He probably looked sleepy as hell, his hair sticking out and his white shirt probably wrinkled but he didn't care.

He just wanted to sleep a few more hours and if he had to slap the person outside his door to get more of his beauty sleep, he would.

He was very serious about his sleep in the last few weeks, okay?

Because it didn't come easily to him after realizing that the way he saw his best friend wasn't as a best friend at all.

As soon as he looked through the peephole, the color drained from his face and concern replaced his earlier attitude.

Because in front of his door, there stood the reason for his inability to sleep properly; Hongjoong who looked less than okay, a bit sad even, something unreadable in his expression as he tried to turn around.

And then, Seonghwa's heartbeat quickened and his hand rushed to the door handle to swing the door open and look directly into Hongjoong's eyes.

His mouth fell open, he tried to say something, but decided against it.

Something unreadable flashed Hongjoong's eyes again and Seonghwa's mouth closed.

He shook his head at the thought of want in Hongjoong's eyes and cleared his throat.

"Do you know what time it is, Hongjoong?," he asked, tilting his head.

Hongjoong stayed quiet.

Seonghwa's mind was racing as he looked behind Hongjoong, moving closer to get a better look.

"Did you come alone?"

Again, Hongjoong didn't answer, just nodded only slightly.

Seonghwa took in Hongjoong's appearance, noticing the bags under his eyes and the way he swayed softly from side to side.

And then, the smell of liquor hit his nose.

His eyes widened, his heart rate picking up as his arms itched to bring Hongjoong closer and tuck him into his arms.

"What are you doing here, drunk nonetheless?" He tried again, an attempt to cover his concern gone wrong, and there was nothing but silence between them.

"Joong? Answer me, please."

He was nervous, worried.

His breath caught in his throat as he noticed that Hongjoong was closer now than before, their faces now only inches apart as he took note of how Hongjoong's eyes darted to his lips.

Drunk | SeongJoong Where stories live. Discover now