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Hongjoong was glad that his job allowed him to work from home for however long he'd liked.

Because he knew he couldn't go back to his workplace that was full of pictures of his friends on its walls.

They had been what motivated him.

What got him through daily life's challenges.

But now, these happy pictures felt like they made fun of him.

With the way they captured his smiles, his annoyed faces and also Seonghwa.

Seonghwa smiling.

Seonghwa frowning.

Seonghwa laughing.

Seonghwa looking at him.

God, he felt pathetic now.

It had been at least a week now after their encounter.

Yunho had tried to contact him, asking to meet up with everyone like they always did.

He wanted to meet up as frequently as they used to, every second day to be closer again.

And Hongjoong just said he had no time, work was keeping him busy.

But he knew that Yunho would figure it out soon enough.

He wasn't stupid.

He always knew when something was up.

That was the reason he liked Yunho so much.

He was closest to him after Seonghwa.

Because he had also always been there for him. But in contrast to Seonghwa, Yunho always asked questions.

He didn't expect them to be answered but he still asked either way.

And now, it was starting to worry Hongjoong.

Because this time, he was sure he wouldn't be able to keep it to himself.

This time, the worries were bigger than only 'my parents keep fighting' or 'my parents are getting a divorce' or 'I'm not good enough to continue making music'.

This was what could split their friendship, the only thing that kept him alive these past years.

This was what could make his friends turn their backs on him and leave him to the whirl of thoughts that tried to pull him under to drown him in it.

The digits on the corner of his working laptop told him it was already 2p.m. and his stomach growled in protest since he hadn't eaten anything yet.

But his appetite was long gone.

Ever since the words spilled from his mouth, he tried to keep it shut as much as he could, not even opening to get the nutrition he needed.

He sighed.

His boss would cuss him out if he noticed his long working hours without a break.

So, he clocked out, closed his laptop and stood up.

He walked out of his 'office slash studio', through the living room and to the kitchen.

He opened the fridge, hoping to find anything but it was almost empty.

So, he closed it, reaching for his cupboard where he found a pack of instant noodles.

He took out his kettle, filled it with water and started to boil it.

When he was done, he took his now hot food, grabbed some chopsticks and walked to his living room.

His gaze halted at the piano in the middle of it and he pressed his lips to a thin line.

Drunk | SeongJoong Where stories live. Discover now