Bifax Lacinia

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September 25, 2035.

Red and blue neon lights, LED billboards, abruptly huge Japanese letters and various street stands that sell seafood or ramen. Unseen beauties and core elements of the new world layout in 2035. Beyond these street stands with fishes and squids, there is another world that everyday people don't usually mess with. Various drug deals, illegal substance trafficking, and much more that is left beneath the iceberg. The thin line between underground and overground is the stack of seafood shops and bars. Though bars are mostly where these sorts of arrangements take place-- either in a storage area or a secret room. Fugu Bar is one of the places that act as a safehouse for these illegal arrangements.

Nina pushed the door open-- there were bandages on her left eyebrow and nose. Seems like she had patched herself up after yesterday's bloody job. She was wearing a fresh, dark-blue short but oversized tracksuit jacket with white stripes-- from shoulders to outer sleeves. Upon stepping inside the bar, she was met with a neony-purple atmosphere and some outdated Japanese song playing in the background, smooth and slow. It wasn't too loud so that people could hear each other. Her eyes were constantly strutting around in the bar. The bar's name was written on a pillar on the left side of the bar when looking through the entrance. She took a few steps forward and looked over to a group of suited people sitting in a booth. It was a group of four-- they dressed sharp, and some of them had prosthetic enhancements around their bodies. And then her eyes snap over to two cops leaning against a pillar near the suited men. "TSEC" was written on their vests, these guys were working under the roof of Tokyo Security. Tokyo Security is a government-funded private law enforcement company which works in Tokyo districts and surrounding areas. The company idea was presented to the newly appointed prime minister after the recent one was assassinated in 2028, and finally established in 2029 after this idea was believed to be better than local police forces. Enforcing fear in a cute way was going to be efficient.

An eye contact is formed between Nina and the two cops. Seeing a Gaijin standing around in a small-time bar is quite suspicious if it wasn't for the fact that these cops had a hateful approach towards foreigners. Throughout her stay in the bar, the officer's eyes were going to stay locked on Nina. After a short staring contest with the cops, her eyes snap away from the well-armed Tokyo Security officers, she was looking for the bartender who worked in Fugu Bar. He was a connected guy, mostly a person who Nina finds gigs from. Just in case things went south with Haruki, she wanted to ensure that her employment status was going to stay okay.

She leaned her body against the counter after getting close towards it. Seems like the guy she was looking for was not there. Maybe he was in the storage room or elsewhere?

"Hey-- Tender!" She called out which caught a young bartender's attention. Not after a few seconds later, out of two bartenders behind the counter, the youngest one of them, a Japanese bartender with slicked-back hair approached. He was holding a glass of unfinished beverage with a melting ice cube inside of it. A smirk at her.

"Looking a bit beaten, sweetheart." Said the bartender, chuckling along the sentence with his intentions to jokingly tease her just like every other customer. "You want a couple of drinks or something?" With her iconic stoic face and tone, Nina responds; "No. I'm looking for Jizzy. Tell him I wanna to see him. Is the man here?"

Flussshhh, the half-full glass was poured down to the steel sink, later it was flushed down the well by tap water. The glass was rinsed in water and later rubbed dry with a piece of cloth. "Who is 'you', are you here to shoot the man or something?" He asked with a grin.

She sighed. "Name's Nina." She responded to the bartender with a cockily attitude. "And I'm here to shoot you instead," The girl kept going on at the same attitude.

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