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    I wasn't expecting this to be CLADE. I thought CLADE would actually be solving some horror and thriller. Not happiness. But that's fine. Though I don't talk much I help a lot. "Hey Forge?" Sam said. She turns her head to Sam. "Can you help me with something?" Sam asked. She nods. She follows Sam to where he needs help. Apparently, R.O.N had a messed up engine which the Stinkwells couldn't fix. But they knew that she is into engineering. What happened to this things engine?? It looks as if rats had ate it! Whatever, this looks- OH NAW- Just how??! How did this engine get their wires missing?? Welp- R.O.N needs new wires. Apparently rats from Forge's world had actually taken the wires and eaten them.

     So the Stinkwells have to replace them. Which means no cases for a while. But if we fast forward to 2 days later, they traveled to a desert. It had a few trees, but not much. They needed to find a missing joey and fill the watering hole with water. But little did they know that the first evil was with them. Soooo, this is what he have to do? I mean, I'll gladly find the joey but I can't leave them. I just know that my mortal- or one of my mortal enemies is here. Ruiz is here and I know it. "We need a plan." Kit said. "Whose going to find the missing joey?" Kit asked. "I will!" Kai said. "Alright. So you can go alone because, ya'know. It's a desert. So then me Sam and Forge will fill the watering hole."

      "Okay!" Kai said running off into the desert to find the missing joey. Forge had the song Discord by The Living Tombstone stuck in her head. But she could what would happen in the future just by the song. She tried her best to shrug it off but she just left it running in her head. Forge heard whispering in a tree but she thought it was a giraffe or something. But it wasn't giraffe whispering. I knew it. Ruiz is here. I guess he's easy to beat. He's very cowardly. Guess I'll have to protect Kit and Sam. Forge had no idea that Ruiz was stronger. But not strong enough. Forge had something inside her that she couldn't stop when it comes to protecting.

      Then out of nowhere Ruiz came in which he probably teleported, he said; "Well, well, look what we have here." He said silently clapping and smirking. Forge knew he was trouble. "Well, I can't kill you all, but I know my target." Ruiz then tried to lunge at Kit but before he could even try, Forge's pupils got straighter and lunged at Ruiz, almost ripping one of his dreads out. "AGH!" Ruiz screamed. Kai then came back with the missing joey, but not at the right time. Ruiz got Forge off of his head and tried again to Lunge at Sam this time but no luck.

    Forge then almost snapped his neck, but he had a spear get her with but no luck with that either. Forge had then sliced his neck open with blood dripping out. "Y-You monster..." Ruiz managed to say. But when he looked up at her, she look different. But it was flickering. Ruiz then realized who she was inside. He ran for life. Forge's pupils went back to normal. "You did great!" Kit told her when it was safe. They all hugged her and went back to the mission. Once it was over they went back to CLADE hq. They then all rested for the night.

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