Chapter 6: Criminal?

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!!TW: Small amounts of blood, Torture (implied)!!

"Wriothesley," the first words that he heard as he picked up his phone, "we found someone, you know where to go." Wriothesley could tell Chevereuse wasn't convinced their current suspect was the guy. She was a woman who took her job seriously, if she had detected any criminal aura from the man in custody, he would be able to hear it in her voice. A soft sigh could be heard through the phone, "And please get here faster than last time, this one's loud" "Gotcha. I'll be there in ten." The laughter in his voice could be heard through the phone. It wasn't unusual, especially with their new case, for Chevereuse to quickly deduce whether one was innocent or not, but recently she had been failing to hide her annoyance. Their new recruits they had to take on due to the college student cover had been detaining suspects because of small, weak evidence that held little to no meaning. This has caused quite the busy schedules for Wriothesley, Chevereuse and their higher-ups. Waiting a moment in case the woman had anything to add, he ended the call and promptly slipped his phone into his front pocket, transitioning from a walk to a jog.

Their designated location was not very close to his current station, but he had fortunately parked his motorcycle in the front of the parking lot. Striding next to his ride, he swung one leg over and making sure it was in neutral, he squeezed the clutch lever and held down the start button. Upon hearing the engine, he released it and started towards the intersection. Turing right at the light, he continued down the block to his destination. Within mere minutes, he spotted Chevereuse holding a small container of McRonalds (don't sue me) fries. Skidding to a stop on the light concrete, he left notable skid marks. He would've cared if he wasn't here on work. "So, what can I do ya for?" Wriothesley asked sarcastically. There was only one reason they would need him here. "Go talk to the suspect and stop playing dumb," she ate a handful of fries, "He's in the second room. Any 'tools' you need should be in there," she claimed, wiping her fingers on a napkin before extending a hand towards Wriothesley. Firmly shaking her hand, he whispered, "don't expect me to go all out today. You and I both know he's innocent and we don't have infinite cover stories." As he retracted his hand, his tone changed completely, shifting to his usual lighthearted vibe and thanked her for her hard work. Chevereuse had been completely unfazed by this having worked with him for over 5 years now. He walked past her and into the building. Flashing his ID at the guard outside the second door, he punched in a pass code on the doorknob and waltzed in.

The man in front of him, glaring at the outside light intruding on the dimly lit room, looked no older than 23. Already bruised up and half asleep, the man looked near pitiful. There were days that Wriothesley dreaded this part of his job, and this was one of them.

Snapping his fingers as he fiddled with some of the tools for no reason but to look intimidating, Wriothesley began questioning the man.

"Name?" he asked the other in a serious tone, staring down at the frightened man from the corner of his eye.

"I-uh-" he stuttered. "You what?" this was not stated at all like a question but rather as a demand.

"I'm, uh, Alexandre, sir..." Alexandre's voice got quieter as he reached the end of his sentence, feeling the glare of his interrogator. Wriothesley did not look at the man but simply replied with a grunt. "Now, I do hope you'll cooperate with this... questionnaire. It would make both our lives easier if you told me everything you know quickly..."


Leaving the room with a stack of note papers, a recording device and blood-stained gloves, he sauntered off to find Chevereuse. Having tossed out his latex gloves in the nearest trash bin, he settled down on the bench to wait for his coworker. Once he had doodled two little faces onto the cover of the folder, he could smell Chevereuse coming. Or rather, he could smell the fries she was holding. As she hovered in front of him, he handed her the recording and the papers which she flipped through nonchalantly, hardly reading any of it. "Anything notable?" she inquired, offering him a fry only to be turned down, "As we both knew, he was not the perpetrator. However, he was involved with a dealer who sold the same product. I 'prodded' an address out of him that we can send a squad to check out tonight." Giving an approving nod, she crammed the items in her bag with the other documents she had to give to her boss. "Got it. I'll call you if anything comes up." With that, the dark-haired man stood up and walked past her, giving her a pat on the shoulder that would suffice as a "thank you."

As he got onto his motorcycle, he dreaded going home. He had yet to clear his house of the remnants of his ex, and that wont be easy. They may not have gotten along, but any breakup is hard to go through. Pushing that thought out of his head proved easy enough as he dialed the nurse before he could forget. After two rings, Sigewinne picked up the phone. "Hello, Duke," she giggled a little before taking on a more professional demeanor once more. She knew that Wriothesley did not like being called "duke" but he didn't mind if it was her. "I hear that there was another suspect taken in. I assume you want me to keep him alive, no?" This time, it was Wriothesley's turn to laugh. "Of course, Sigewinne. Although I suppose you think you could heal any scar with those abomina- cough- excuse me, drinks that you so kindly have prepared in case I get hurt." Their conversation continues for a few minutes (half of it banter over the refined quality of Sigewinne's drinks) until Wriothesley has a priority that takes him away from what must've been the best part of his day.

***Its only 11:47 today!!! Also, i would like to point out how i made up for the creepier part by introducing Sigewinne! I'm going to have fun writing her parts, they make me happy! Please tell me what you think in the comments, I want feedback pls istg tell me what im doing wrong ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh***

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