Chapter 10: Contemplation

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Neuvillette preferred to be prepared in advance, or at least that was his excuse for working on next week's lesson plan 9 days early. He only held two lectures today, both of which had passed as it was 7pm currently. Typing down the last of his schedule, planned a week early and fully prepared for 10 days of lessons, he shut his laptop and shoved it into his duffel bag. Mindful of the scattered papers in his bag, Neuvillette gathered his documents together, straightened them out, and left his office.

Turning corners and navigating hallways as if the back of his hand, he maneuvered his way to the exit and started towards his home. As he walked back in peace, a figure caught his eye. Wriothesley, he made out from a distance was walking on the sidewalk opposite himself. Neuvillette's mind wandered, 'He looks quite striking in this light..." abruptly, he cut off the thought. 'He is my student! It is most indecent to think about him that way," dusting away the light blush on his cheeks with a shake of his head. Sparing Wriothesley no more glances, Neuvillette continued walking.

With each step, Neuvillette could hear papers rustle in his bag. He had not thought anything of it until he recalled the packet of paper he was gifted the other day. Stopped at the intersection waiting for the crosswalk light to change, he shifted his bag, fumbled with the various documents and reached the one he was looking for. Eyeing the light and determining that he had a minute or so before it changed, Neuvillette skimmed the first page again. 'policemen... undercover... overdose... yes, yes. Oh, it is quite a shame the SBP passed, he was quite the intelligent fellow...' having refreshed his memory as to the situation, he flipped to the second page.

As you know, the quarterly "Student-Teacher Individual Conference" will take place in approximately a weeks' time. It is expected that any details of the investigation be discussed at this time, whether it be an interrogation of yourself or any necessary work that requires your attention. Such work may consist of but is not limited to: missing classes for mission briefings, possible use of force/weapons (do not permit this in a way that would encourage other students to bring similar items) or possible need of your assistance for whatever reason.

The last scenario on this list stood out to Neuvillette, not for a reason besides curiosity. It was quite vague and definitely depended heavily on communication between the two parties, so it made sense that they wouldn't detail requirements on the form. This seemed incredible situational.

Glancing up to check the cross walk light, he saw he only had twenty seconds left to cross. Starting in a light jog, he made it across with 2 seconds to spare, and once he settled back into his rhythm of walking the same path he had for multiple years, he held the packet uncomfortably close to his face and continued reading.

Under no circumstances will explosives, grenades or any other detonated device be permitted without notifying all staff and closing off hallways in advance. Staff, please bear in mind that their job is to protect you, and the more assistance you provide them, the safer you will be. We are aware that there is at least one murderer on school grounds, but remember that accomplices and the drug dealer(s) are also on campus. Do not let your guard down around any students and keep an eye out for suspicious behavior. Any such activity can be reported to the main office or to any undercover agent (see list on first page (coughchapter4cough)) Any information you provide will be compensated appropriately. (rewards vary depending on outside factors such as usefulness, whether it's new information and detail provided) If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask the police station, the front office or an agent that may or may not be in a class of yours. Your patience and understanding is key to their success.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Seeing as that was the last page, he flipped it to its original state and nestled it in with the rest of his papers. As if it were mocking him, the smiling dragon key chain on the bag's zipper started at the amethyst eyed man as his hair got stuck in said zipper. Wincing, Neuvillette unzipped it slightly and yanked the strands of hair out from the bag. He finished closing the bag and tucked his hair behind his ear, reveling in his luck. Well, he was lucky that his blue streaks of hair didn't get stuck, that would have been exceptionally more uncomfortable.

Taking in his surroundings, he saw apartment buildings he had known for years, roads who's names he had recognize, and a clear sky he sees the majority of his days in the city. Such familiarity came easily with his surroundings, connections made without interaction, simply knowing it as it knows him. Neuvillette had always struggled with interacting with people, their turns of phrase and sarcasm escaping him. These situations do nothing but upset both parties, so he tends to avoid them. Most of his days he spends in his office or the lecture hall, reading and writing. Teaching came easily to him, telling people the basics of a subject he excelled in not only refreshed his memory of ancient subjects, but he might even say he felt proud when a student of his shows true interest in what he has to say.

Smiling to himself, he turned one last corner to the entrance to his home, a small cottage compared to the large mansions around, but quite large compared to the average home. Turning the key in the doorknob, he entered his house and flicked on the lights, momentarily reeling back from the sudden light. That wasn't to say it wasn't bright outside, he had simply relaxed into the shadows of his entry way. Neuvillette hung his duffel bag on his coat rack as he took his shoes off individually. The tall boots were difficult to remove while holding things, he had found. Once he had wrestled both of his boots off, he sat on the floor for another moment, thinking about nothing in particular, and soon took off for the kitchen. Taking a glass water bottle from the shelves, he emptied half of it into a misused wine glass and proceeded with the rest of his night similarly.

***Not really much to say other than the fact that I needed to write some Neuvi. Don't get me wrong, Wriothesley is still #1 BBG, I just think we've been neglecting our other boy <3***

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