Chapter 14: Course

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Neuvillette reclined in his seat, shutting his laptop as he did so. The past few days, something has seemed off. Other than the 'interrogation,' if you could even call it that, he has started noticing a few things about two specific students of his.

Lately, Lynette has been arriving to class late, if at all. She always gave the impression of being on top of her work and has never once turned in an assignment late, but recently she has been seeming more distant. Ever the gentleman, Neuvillette does not make any assumptions and leaves her to herself, but in case there is an issue at home, he plans to bring it up with her later. Additionally, Wriothesley has seemed more distracted lately. Typing away at his computer during class and only taking notes briefly. Of course, Neuvillette knew that this was about the recent 'situation' and that Wriothesley no doubt had a lot on his plate lately. Perhaps he could offer some assistance later.

Finally, one of the roads on Neuvillette's usual route to the school has been shut down for about a week now. This may be a little far fetched, but Neuvillette remembers there being a police station on that road. He suspects this to be nothing.

Once he packs his things into his bag, he exits the building and navigates through the parking lot to get to his car. Putting it temporarily in reverse, he leaves the lot and drives home on the 'new route,' made to avoid the closed road. It was around 19 o' clock now, and he could tell he was nearing his house as the amount of homes decreased. Neuvillette had chosen a villa far enough from the city to avoid the noise and traffic but close enough to get to work within half an hour. Houses like that weren't easy to come by, and he was lucky to be from a well off family and a star professor at his work. He slowly swerves to the right as he pulls into his long, shadowed driveway.

He closes the door calmly behind him and removes his shoes. Hanging his coat on the rack and dropping his bag onto the couch, he stalks to his room. Furina had recommended a new diet to him, nothing interesting, just skipping dinner. Neuvillette had never been a fan of them, but would test each one for a bit to satisfy the headmaster. Hands dance as they undo his tie, rhythmically opening the buttons one by one until he sets his one too many layers of dress shirts in his laundry bin. He strips off his pants and sits nearly naked until he reaches for his night gown and elegantly puts it on.

Sleep was a necessity for good health, that was one of the notes you could find in his notes app. Neuvillette, proud as he was, stuck to a strict sleep schedule that demanded 9 hours of sleep from him. This isn't really that important, but it is a habit that has been drilled into his nature.

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Gentle as it was, Neuvillette felt as if his alarm was blaring through his phone. He stepped into the washroom and took a morning shower, exiting half an hour later after spending 15 minutes drying his enviable locks. He got changed into a more casual outfit than yesterday, seeing as it was the weekend. Thinking back, Neuvillette recalls he hasn't gone to the cafe in quite a while. Brushing his hands over his forest green turtle neck, he fixes his outfit and straightens out his loose bun as he steps out of the house.

'I might as well walk,' he thought, acknowledging the fair weather and short distance, 'I haven't gone on a walk in a while.'

Purse in hand, he wanders down the familiar path of the sidewalk and easily recognizes the sound of cars driving by. Although he had only been walking about 10 minutes, he had already made it within sight of the cafe. A small smile spreads across his face as he approaches, already imagining the sweet taste of water in his mouth. Not only did this Cafe serve some of the most divine water that you could find in the city, it also appreciated the importance of a quality cup.

Upon entering, the bell above the door rang to no one's surprise. Neuvillette examined the room. No one noticed or cared about his presence, meaning he was left to his own. Good. He scouted a table ahead of time, setting his jacket across the back of the chair and his purse in the middle of it before approaching the register. As he placed his order, he looked at who was behind the register.

The bags under Wriothesley's eyes had darkened since he had last seen them up close, which was quite concerning to Neuvillette. Despite this, however, Neuvillette still seemed to have been charmed. When Wriothesley looked up, Neuvillette could properly see the color of his face to be drained, even if it was adorned by a small, endearing smile.

As their eyes met, Wriothesley recoiled. Not by jumping backwards or yelling or anything, but the look in his eyes said it all. Neuvillette could tell from that split second reaction that the other man was uneasy, but didn't bring it up as he moved from the line for the next person to order. Wriothesley's eyes briefly lingered on Neuvillette's figure, but his attention snapped to the customer in front of him quickly. He must have been embarrassed, Neuvillette supposed due to the light blush that dusted the other's cheeks.

For a reason that escaped Neuvillette, seeing Wriothesley up close like that made him happy, even if he looked like a train wreck. That trait, however, did nothing to Neuvillette's curious emotion other than make him concerned. He would definitely ask him about it either at school in a few days or whenever Wriothesley had a break.

Neuvillette's confusing emotions have been becoming more apparent lately. Maybe it's the diet?

***I wrote this one reaaally fast somehow. it only took me about an hour. also if anyone has a request for something they want to see develop or just an Easter egg or detail of some sort, let me know in the comments!!***

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