Chapter 8: Cafe job!

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!!TW!! Mentions of self harm, scarring

His first day of training was easy, learning the table numbers and how to make common drinks. The name of the young girl teaching him was Sedene, who was direct with her instructions. This trait of hers made the experience much more appealing because he didn't have to listen to anyone's bs when he messed up. Despite her direct nature, he would not call her blunt. She was kind yet straight-forward, an unfortunately uncommon set of traits.

Personality aside, she was generally a great teacher. In their short time frame, she explained to him all the tricks to the machinery and difficult customers. While discussing such customers, her voice seemed to have an undertone of dread. Wriothesley thought she was being a bit dramatic... he would see. 

When his initial set of training was done, some of the other employees put him through a test acting as customers. Other than a slip up with a cup size, he got their orders perfect and was deemed suited to start working the second shift. His coworkers insisted he ask them for help with any big group or specific order, but he took these challenges head-on and overcame his coffee-machine-refusing-to-work related obstacles. Navia was put in charge of supervising him as she was the one who referred him initially, but she didn't have to do much. She had technically gotten the day off, too, because her mission was to observe his abilities unnoticed, but after realizing he didn't need any help, she put on some sunglasses and moved to an outdoor table. Replacing the umbrella on the stand with her own (a company secret no customers know of), she called a friend and chatted through his shift.

Although Wriothesley may have been new, he sure had a knack for working the ice machine. Apparently, most newbies need an instruction manual to work it, but he figured it out right away. Within the first 20 minutes officially on the job, he was cranking the ice out for the other workers, too. Luckily, it was only fall and people were not obsessing over iced drinks, but most of the orders of that caliber were usually handed to him. 

The only issue he faced all day was the table numbers. Arranged in no particular order, he had trouble knowing where to go. Of course, he couldn't just ask for help, he checked the laminated map by the cashier every time. It is for this reason that Wriothesley grew to like the take-out customers more. 

By the end of his shift, Navia, Sedene and their boss had all determined him worth (temporarily) hiring. They each had to provide statements about his work as listed below:

Sedene: "He worked great! Quickly finishing orders and serving customers to get in as many people as possible."

Navia: "I was impressed, that's for sure! Most new-hires get stressed and spill or mess up an order, but he was super calm! I think he would be a great addition to the workforce!"

Coworker with the same shift: "I've worked here for 3 years and I've never met someone who handles people so well. Honestly, he's quite attractive which is good for our sales, but he also has a nice personality! This could be great for our customer count!"

The positive first hand recollections were enough to deem him a valuable asset, if not for just a week. Perhaps he could reconsider the sentence if discussed over tea... Nonetheless, even Wriothesley himself felt accomplished. Were it not for his limited free-time, he might consider working there in the future for some extra cash. For this to happen, he would have to stay on the staff's good side. Kicking off his shoes, he flopped down onto his couch, limbs splayed across the cushion. He raised his phone and set a reminder to stop by the grocery store tomorrow, he was running low on protein powder. If he didn't have this new side job today, he would've stopped by the gym. However, that was not an option with his schedule. 

He had only started working out again recently, however he was very fit as a child. His parents had trafficked him into an illegal fighting ring, and he had to be strong to survive. After "freeing" himself and his siblings, he had dropped any attempt to stay active after prison. Recently, he had taken it up again to get his mind off of the pressures of his main job. The issues that had come up recently such as evidence of an accomplice or a senior officer retiring to pursue a career in art had really started to put him under stress, hence the streaks of gray hair.

The scars he had gotten from his childhood and teenage years were often covered by a turtleneck or hoodie, so he was able to avoid questions related to them, but summertime was such a hassle. His scars that traveled from his jaw to his collar were uncomfortable to talk about, sure, but the old scars on his wrists from when he c*t were more than that. He was able to come to terms with his past, be open about it and tell the whole truth, but his shame and disdain towards himself only grew when he was reminded not of what others had done to him, but what he had done to himself. Thinking about those things made him feel nauseous and paranoid, so naturally being asked about them did not help. It is for this reason that he wears black bandages on his arms. Covering them up while excusing them as fashion tended to stop the questioning. 

Deciding he had spent enough time lazing around in his thoughts, he headed towards the shower, somewhat in an attempt to cleanse himself of the memories. Remember what is important. Or generally just to calm his mind. Grabbing a towel, he stepped into the bathroom.

***Not proud of this one, guys... tell me what you think in the comments, please. It would be really motivating!!!***

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