Android 21 (Evil) x Soul Reader SHORT 3: Did you..

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While (Good) 21 was in the labs with Bulma you decided to take a nap near the same tree you sleep next to last week but then you wake up by the sound of "licking" it got annoying so you open your eyes slowly to see "Her" again. For a while she sat on your lap, (Evil) 21's back was facing you and her tail was laying comfortably on your chest you were feeling a bit uncomfortable when she continues to make those "licking" sounds like she's licking "something" but you also notice some white stuff dripping down her finger tips and it started to make you nervous so you immediately got up and "gently" got her off of you.

Soul Name: Wh-What the hell are you doing!

Android 21 (Evil): Oh your finally awake, for a second I started getting comfortable sitting on top of you.

Soul Name: Why were you!

Android 21 (Evil): Because fool, I didn't want to sit down on this dirty grass and besides your lap was more comfortable.

Soul Name: That doesn't make it better you–

Before you could continue. You notice more white stuff on her mouth and cheek including her fingertips, you tried to say something but you were just so distracted by it so much that the only thing you could say was.

Soul Name: What's that...

She blink a few times then looks at her fingers seeing it's still there then an "Evil" like smile spread around her face, it was clear to this point that she was planning something as she got done thinking she looks back at you.

Android 21 (Evil) Oh it's nothing I was just doing some "experiments" on you while you were asleep hehehe.

Soul Name: Ex-Experiments...

You "gulp" and try your best to stay calm.

Soul Name: Um what experiments are you talking about?

Android 21 (Evil): know exactly what I'm talking about.

Soul Name: Your bluffing, your bluffing! Your just trying to tease me again!

Android 21 (Evil): Ohhh. You think so...

She starts smirking at you while moving her tail at you teasingly. You didn't want to believe her you refuse but you couldn't help but thought if she really did, your heart started racing, your mind was just to full with "what if's" while you stood there looking at all that "white stuff" on her fingers and mouth, two minutes go by and before you could finally say something she starts laughing her butt off.

Android 21 (Evil): Heh heh heh ha ha ha ha! Calm down Mr. Soul it's just Ice cream.

Soul Name: Huh...

Android 21 (Evil): Yes. Earlier thanks to another fellow "human" I got some ice cream and decided to eat some while sitting on you ha ha ha ha you should see the look on your face ha ha ha ha ha!

You notice that your face is red again and you turn around while your back is facing her. You tried your best to ignore her laughter while also trying to control your self.

Soul Name: Sh-Shut up!

Android 21 (Evil): And what's even more priceless is that you actually thought I actually "did it" to you.

You couldn't listen to her anymore so you left her there and went inside bulma's place.

Android 21 (Evil): Hey! Where you going come back here!

She follows after you while using instant transmission.

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