Android 21 (Good) x Soul Reader SHORT: Bonus 2

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You where about to head out with Goku and Vegeta till you saw 21 siting on a table drinking her coffee. You notice she looked a little troubled while starting at her reflection in the coffee mug so you told the guys that to head off without you and went to see what was up with 21.

Soul Name: Hey.

21 heard your voice and turned her head to see you walking towards her.

Android 21 (Good): O-Oh. Hello Mr soul...

21 said while making a gentle smile. You sat on the other side of the table with your hands over your head.

Soul Name: Is there something wrong?

Android 21 (Good): Oh no no, it's nothing really.

Soul Name: Are you sure? You seemed a bit... troubled?

21 kept her self silence for a minute afraid of what she might say. As time passes you asked again.

Soul Name: Come on 21, you know you can tell me anything right?

You said while moving your chair to sit a little closer to her. 21 lifted her head back up to look back at you before making a soft sigh.

Android 21 (Good): Promise. You won't tell anyone, okay Mr soul..?

21 said with shyness in her voice. You nodded and before saying it she takes a deep breath then prepares her self for what she wants to say.

Android 21 (Good): You See there's someone that I know, who I've started to have... feelings for. I won't say there name but I can say that I'm not sure on whether or not i should tell him how I feel for him and I'm worried that he'll just reject me or not feel anything for me after that. I just...I just don't know what to do.

21 began to grip her mug tightly with both of her hands as the mug began to shake in her hands. You gently place your hand on 21's left shoulder to convert her.

Soul Name: Aww come 21, that's not true and you know it I'm sure he would like you to.

You said while smiling at her. 21 was still unsure about what you still not believing that this "person" she likes would ever like her back.

Soul Name: And besides how could anyone not like you!? Your smart, talented, astounding, extraordinary and the most beautiful girl I've ever met, I'm pretty sure he'll be the happiest man in the world to be with someone like you.

21 was shocked as she heard all the complements you've given her. Everything you said made her speechless and you quickly notice that and as you two sat there quietly you change the subject.

Soul Name: A-Anyway! The point is if he's the one you wanna be with go for it! Tell him how you feel, it's worth the shot!

You said as you pulled your chair back stood up and left the room leaving 21 alone. 21 just sat there as she watches you leave before smiling softly and placing her hand on her chest where her heart is she can feel her cheeks getting a little red and her heart beating rapidly.

"Yeah...I will. When I'm ready...I will tell you...Mr soul."

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