Member Of The Discipline Commitee

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Abigail was pretty sure that last night was a huge blur, probably due to the headmasters' extremely weird and wacky behaviors. Her body was sore from running and walking up those hellish stairs.

The only good thing so far was that someone had brought a uniform for her to wear. The girls' uniforms were knee-long grey skirts and short brown boots. They wore a white blouse and a grey vest over that. The vest had a small rose on the right side.

After getting dressed, she went down to the common area. She decided to grab a small breakfast.
She was an introvert, so being around other girls her age was hard. Many of them didn't notice her, except three.
Two were her height, 5'4", and the last girl was 5'2". They just waved hi to her, and she gave a small wave back. Abigail went and grabbed a muffin and began to look at her schedule. That's when she saw the three girls from early, walking toward her.

The short one was athletic looking, with a short purple pixy haircut. One of the taller girls had blonde hair, long and wavy. She looked like the perfect model. The other girl had brown hair, and she was a little bit skinny but looked as if she did sports like the short one.

Abigail decided to slip away before they reached her, she wasn't ready to talk to anyone. She slip outside to the courtyard see in front of the girl's dorm.
It was open, and had a gentle breeze flowing, with an open blue sky.

Abigail returned to looking at her school schedule, taking it in, and looking for free time throughout the day. She stood in a corner outside of the dorm. She paused and enjoyed the sunshine that shined on her face. It was warm and gentle on her face.

Abigail soon felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. She looked up from her schedule and saw it was one of the girls who waved hi to her early. The girl was one of the tall ones. She had shoulder-length brown hair. She remained Abigail of Roman Roble.

"Hi. My name is Sophia." The girl said with a smile.
"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Abigail." Abigail replied.
It got awkward quickly; Abigail tried looking for things to say. She noticed Sophia had an armband with the mark of the disciplinary committee.
"I see you are a part of the Disciplinary Committee." Abigail points out curiously. Abigail made sure to do plenty of research before arriving here; this information was thanks to the clever fox she knew.

"Yes, I am." Sophia giggles. " I can show you around. That way, you can find your classes easier." Sophia tells Abigail.
"Thanks, that would be great. My first class is History." Abigail replies. "How cool. That's my first class." Sophia says excitedly. "Let's go, Abigail." Sophia tugs on Abigail's sleeve, guiding her to her first class.

The classroom was large, with Great wooden red maple bookshelves near the back. There were three large stained windows to the left. Each window showed the life of a rose. The way near the book had roses getting ready to bloom; the middle showed the roses in full bloom, and the last showed the roses dying.

Abigail headed near the back of the classroom. She sat down, and Sophia was quick to follow. Abigail thought to herself how Sophia reminded her of a yellow lab. Abigail gave a small ghost smile to this thought.

The class was interesting, and Abigail took this seriously. It never hurts to learn things. Abigail felt as if Sophia was watching her, but she soon shook that thought out of her head. Abigail told herself that she was being paranoid. Class ended, and Abigail soon learned that most of her courses except one were with Sophia. And that class was her next one, which was history. Sophia guided Abigail halfway there and soon left for her class.


Abigail managed to arrive early to her English room. It was on the second floor, next to the library. Once she entered, she noticed it smelled of jasmine and musk. She noticed that history was much larger than her history class. It had a balcony near the far left. It had large, clear windows. She enjoyed how she could watch the trees move in the wind.

Once again, she headed to the back of the classroom. She arrived to discover a girl was sleeping in the back. Taking up three chairs, the girl had long, silver curly hair. She had an armband like Sophia was wearing. Abigail sat down near her and started staring at her schedule.

The professor began class with a roll call, Abigail knowing this was a bad idea. She gently taps the sleeping girl. The girl quickly sits up and looks around. When her eyes fall upon Abigail, she gives a cold glare. Abigail sat through the whole class with the girl, never stopping with the glaring at her. Abigail couldn't help but notice the silver-haired girl had emerald-colored eyes, which made it hard not to look back at her.

The bell rings, and Abigail tries to escape. The girl grabbed Abigail's arm and yanked her back down. Abigail stares at the girl's hand while it squeezes her arm hard. Abigail starts giving a cold glare back.
"If you have something to say, you should speak up." Abigail says coldly.
The girl scoffs at her. She lets go of Abigail's arm and stands up. The girl is about to leave, but Abigail trips her with her foot.
"Bye, dearie." Abigail coos. Abigail escapes the room before hearing the girl's curses towards her.

Abigail didn't want to look like a rude, mean, bitchy girl. But she wouldn't put up with people who held anger towards her for no reason. Abigail wanted to become a part of the background of this whole thing, but she had already messed that up.
Abigail sighs, leaves the building her history class is in, and walks to a shady large tree nearby. She now has an hour of free time. Abigail gets to the large tree and starts climbing it. Abigail reaches some branches and sits down on them. She leans against the tree and closes her eyes. She falls into a soft slumber.

She dreams of the apple farm, and the tours she did for people interested in her apple farm, slowly her dreams turn to nothing but pitch black.

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